CCCIX Global Warming and Climate Change} Mankind loves stability, we see it everywhere from the stars in the skies, to the mountains, and oceans!
But that type of stability is not what matters at this point in time! Life is anything but stable, we try our hardest to make it seem like it is, but our 60-80 year lifespans can not show anyone much! Even when we go back home, if we had left for any period on time, we see change everywhere! But in the back of our minds, we feel secure in the world around us as being our link to everyone else on the planet, a share point of reference, our DNA proves that consistent connection to all other animal life on the planet, not just other humans. We are all truly interconnected, and yet we all strive for our own individuality, many times to the detriment of others and even ourselves. Look at how many ways we find to divide ourselves, first by sex, then by race, age, orientation, state, county, continents, language, belief systems, from religion to the type of governments that we either live under or want to live under, the foods we eat, the clothes we wear, our hairstyles, beards, tattoos, not even just our languages but the accents and syntax that can define one neighborhood from another, one gang association to another, occupations, the list is never-ending, all in separating peoples, not in bringing people together, and we are not even going to mention party affiliations in America. Talk about throwing gasoline on a fire! In all of this separating one from another, and then we wonder why we can not agree on how to repair the planet, or even if we can or should, let alone why we need to intervene! I love the analogy of lobsters in a pot, a single lobster can easily escape from a pot, you put others in with it and they keep each other from escaping. Almost all governments have that same trick in keeping the population in check, there are always those who will inform on others for some small gain for themselves, of course feeling vindicated that they are doing what is right at the same time! Major Wars, disaster relief, and common ground in terms of group love or hate are really some of the few ways to engage a large population into action on any single agenda! In America, this was recently seen in action in the 2020 election process, whether you were for or against Trump, it really was not about the "other candidate" but mainly about your opinion of the current president, he was able to bring people together to vote for him or against him! Where that leads America in four years, will very much be determined by the new president Biden, and how he answers the challenges facing him! If it ends up with Trump, back as the Republican challenger, then Biden will already have been not well thought of, if some other republican becomes the challenger, for the 2024 election, then either Trump's past will have come to haunt him, or Bidens presidency will have been considered a good one for the country as a whole! Many will believe that this post has had nothing to do with Global Warming, I feel it has much to do with how we as a planet full of segregated societies, can or cannot be challenged with coming together, for not just one reason of repairing this planet, but for all of the benefits that the "plan" entails! What we need is the best advertising campaign that has ever been run, not selling a product, but a way for all of mankind to go forward, to improve both how mankind interacts with our planet, but also how we can start to interact with each other. This year we have seen how much we depend on interacting with family and friends, when much of that was taken away from us. this was a common aspect of life for the whole planet, not just one segregation or another, yes borders were closed, and flights were limited, but who did not have friends or kin that lived in another country? Let's get rid of the doom and gloom that many have brought to the table, believing that only that will tie mankind together when all it does is separate us more! We need to join together, and the "plan" will in some way benefit every person on the planet! More food, more jobs, less pollution, less waste, more that will tie us together instead of finding ways to separate us even from our friends and family. We have seen enough of that! Call me, Cortland, Nebraska USA @402-890-7946, or by g-mail @ or continue reading about the "plan" @ Thank you, Dan
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