CCCXII Global Warming and Climate Change} I simply have been unable to get anyone to engage me on this most important topic!

Why is that, am I not as interesting as a sporting event, or do I not excite anyone with such a boring topic? Saving all carbon-based life on the planet is not worthy of discussion? Is the internet, not the place to start, while I am not in any way "at home on the internet", what I have heard is that almost anything and everything ends up on the internet, was I not listening in the right way? Is the internet, now just a place for conspiracy theorists, and radical indoctrination, and a giant store where you can buy or sell anything? (we can not forget about cute puppies and kittens, or showing how funny it can be to watch people fail) But not a place for real discussions, or the exchange of ideas? Is the fact that I am freely giving my knowledge to the world so that we can start to repair the world, in the right way and for the right reason, is proof that my knowledge must be worthless? Think, how I would feel if on my deathbed I died knowing that I kept the secret that all life is doomed to slow extinction, because I would not give people the necessary knowledge to prevent that! Would I then be the very worst mass murderer in all of history, even if no one ever found out? It would not be as if I made it happen, "BUT" I did not do enough to prevent it from happening. Right now almost everyone who believes that the only reason for global warming and climate change, is manmade greenhouse gases, and our only hope for salvation is stopping 100% of our carbon footprint as quickly as possible!  Many call this going "GREEN" but that word has had its meaning hi-jacked, what going green means, is the 100% recycling of everything we use, with as little energy needed to repurpose, or reuse as possible. Now it means taking all of the new manmade carbon dioxides out of the atmosphere as quickly as possible and if that means removing it by sequestration "so be it"! That is not recycling, that is removing from being used for life, that is a significant difference, and one that makes the repairing of our planet just that much harder! When I was younger I knew a few people with important contacts, now they have all passed, and I am really struggling with how to interest anyone in the most important long term solutions, that mankind will ever face, In my opinion, that is just as important as mankind's extinction. For, with-out mankind being a viable species on the planet all carbon-based life will slowly die out!!! Anyone out there can either point me in the right direction, or by-pass me and do that yourself, please do so! Just let me know so that I can be sure that they truly understand the why and the how, not just so they can become wealthy in only doing part of what needs to be done. Dan, I can be reached at 402-890-7946, or by G-mail at  or to continue reading more about the "plan" you can go to,   The fact that I am the only one I know who sees this reality, does not mean that I am not right, it is too easy to verify. We have put blinders on when it comes to what people believe about climate change and global warming, either "belief in" or "fake news". Maybe I should try and start a new direction and call it the "djk plan" I am sure many people could come up with some rude, funny, or sarcastic words to fit!


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