CCCXIII Global Warming and Climate Change} It has been around 12 years that I first flushed out what caused Ice-ages, and the inter-glacier periods!
For the next 10 years, I waited for some scientific journal to come out with the same results, with all of the interest in stopping Global Warming, I felt that it was only a matter of time. I have my own guesses on why no one else connected carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and the starting and stopping of ice-ages! I was not being paid to find the answer, my livelihood was not based on any research I was doing, I simply wanted to understand something that no one else had ever brought forth the reason why! Around 2 years ago, I started to seriously study the "how-to" repair the planet, this is not unlike how I decide to build a home. I look at where I am, what do I need to do to get where I need to be, what resources do I have access to! I started with what I knew, 1) there are almost no available reserves of, carbon left on the planet, in a form that life can use! Yes, the internal heat of the planet does return around 3 gigatonnes of carbon back each year, but erosion and the death of sea and ocean life removes around 10 gigatonnes of carbon each year! 2) If mankind was not on this planet at this time, then Earth would be 3000 years into a never-ending final ice-age! 3) The increased amounts of arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, has caused the loss of much of the temperature regulation abilities of the planet, due to loss of plantlife-based ground cover, and its corresponding loss of cloud formation! 4) There is almost an unimaginable amount of unused freshwater that's available, by redirecting it from entering the seas and oceans of the planet, and into these same arid and semi-arid areas of the planet. This would have the added benefits of stopping billions of tons of soil runoff from being lost, keep manmade pollution from damaging the sea's and ocean's wildlife. 5) That there is a massive amount of humanity that is looking for a better life, one with purpose, hope, and a chance to raise a family, in safety, all that they want is a way to do it! My plan for doing this was not my plan at all, the "The American Homestead Act" of 1862 gave 160 acres of land to those who could "Prove-up". My somewhat altered plan would only allow 20 acres with a working 1-acre fish pond on it, and communal built home, that had to be maintained for 5 years before a clear title would be issued. Part of this plan would not allow anyone to own more than the 20 acres, to stop big corporations from taking over others' lands, this is to foster self-employment over, working a job for their livelihood. Yes people will succeed and some will fail, but education and communal help may reduce those who fail to those who do not really try! 6) Other parts of the plan, while very important, like glacier replenishment, and staging more ice on Antarctica, and the moving of the water into areas of need will require different sets of requirements, that may be more limited in the amount of time each is endeavor would be required before title to a piece of land or business, would off-set there working on other necessary projects! This would also include energy production and many other aspects which will be required. Just as every community requires all aspects of needs for a community to succeed, so will the "towns" that service the farms that will be in charge of producing ground cover, and food. Taking all of these needs into consideration resulted in the "plan". If anyone wishes to reach me, my phone number is 402-890-7946, my G-mail is,, or if you wish to continue reading more, you can go to Thank you and keep telling others about the crazy guy in Nebraska. Dan
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