CCCXVIII Global Warming and Climate Change} Will glacier replenishment, return investment as quickly as moving water to places of need?

     In a perfect world yes, it is easy to see that taking unuseable arid and semi-arid land and making it into farmland increases that property's ability to produce monies, and support families, what is harder to see is maintaining glaciers, so that water will still be available in later years, as those glaciers would have disappeared. Or by building many water catchment dams, would also help in reducing downstream flooding both by slowly letting snowmelt water downstream, and later in the season, there would still be water available for downstream use! Again all of these new dams could be used for recreational uses, but these would not be considered a money-making venture in itself. It is hard to charge for benefits that while we could try and explain that something that they have always had since their grandfathers were alive, would no longer be there without the new works! Fish production would be a profit maker, however slower growth because of lower temperatures would be expected, Winter activities could also be a money-making venture, Those in charge of replenishing the glaciers would be experts in snowmaking so having many small ski resorts for a single day or weekend skiers, could be quite profitable! Perhaps in some areas, temporary ice hotels and castles could inspire artists and visitors, to the areas where locally produces goods could be sold. There are always options of how to produce money and areas that are on the forefront of repairing our one and only planet, would be an ideal place for schools, tourists, and even scientist, to make into a year-round destination! Now let's talk about perhaps the hardest part of the "plan" to produce income from, staging billions and billions of tons of new ice into the interior of Antarctica!  Let's talk a little about this most inhospitable continent, it is about twice the size of Australia, and a little less than half the size of Africa, it is also considered a desert or a semi-arid area, but what precipitation does fall on the continent, stays as snow and ice for a very long time! Increasing what precipitation falls on the continent is important, so as to off-set any melting of land-based ice around the edges! (Floating ice melt is not important, in that it will not raise sea levels) Once ice is staged into the interior of Antarctica this would remain for a very long time! With the fairly rough seas around the continent, wave energy, and wind energy would be able to supply the needed electricity to work in a very rough and dangerous climate. Equipment breakdowns, extremely difficult travel both on land, in the air, and even on the water. If ever there was a reason for hazard duty pay, this would qualify. Only the long term benefits could make such an undertaking worthwhile. Instead of pumping fresh water perhaps hundreds of miles inland, if we could increase natural precipitation over the continent, by increasing moisture into the atmosphere where winds would bring that moisture as snowfall into the interior of the continent, that would be excellent! I need others to help me in finding how to generate income from such an endeavor, if we could take the knowledge learned from this possibility and use it to bring necessary rainfall to many parts of the planet that could benefit from such a process! Another post is done, call me at 1-402-890-7946, G-mail at or to read more of my 318 posts you can go to Tell others about that crazy guy in Nebraska named Dan Kadavy. Thank you, for taking the time to read this, Dan


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