CCCXXV Global Warming and Climate Change} How much can we expand rainfall levels by simply increasing water vapor content over water?
While that is an excellent question, that is also the "rub", how do we start such an ambitious project with so little history behind it. If we were simply moving water from one area to another, that mankind has been doing for thousands of years, and while many people have claimed to be able to make rain for the right price, we now know, what causes rain to fall, and we need access to moisture, to increase moisture in the atmosphere. With over 70% of the planet covered by water and much of that water is not far from arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, this does give us a starting point. The majority of North and South America's west coasts are bounded by arid and semi-arid areas, producing water vapor in the atmosphere above these sites would not be difficult, but getting the increased water vapor to turn into rainfall at the proper time! That would take a lot of past knowledge, that the weather service has been collecting for many years. Granted probably no one had envisioned it being used to actually produce rainfall, they were collecting the data to see when those areas could expect rainfall. What conditions causes cloud formation and rain over the areas in question? Does that mean that we could make rain on demand? No, but we could greatly increase rainfall by working with conditions that favored increased rainfall if the necessary water vapor would be in the atmosphere when prevailing winds and atmospheric pressures were right. This relationship would take perhaps many years in some parts of the planet for mankind to begin getting results, and in some places, mankind could more easily begin to see benefits fairly quickly! As I have pointed out "Life Beget's Life" meaning once an area start to have abundant ground cover and the and the resulting plant respiration, naturally increases water vapor, then at least down-wind rainfall amounts will also increase. Increasing rainfall and cloud cover will also help both turning sunlight, into plant energy instead of heat energy and help in reflecting sunlight back into space. This part of the "plan" has some of the biggest unknown, mankind (to my knowledge) has done very little in the way of experimenting with the production of increasing rainfall over dry areas. This was very surprising when I was trying to research the subject, that so little has been attempted, seems to be the case. If anyone out there knows of some studies that have been done, concerning this concept, I would appreciate hearing about it, Dan. As always I would really appreciate some comments or phone calls, reach me at 402-890-7946, or G-mail @ or to read more you can go to
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