CCCXXVI Global Warming and Climate Change} Can we actually decrease the temperature of the Atlantic Ocean off of the coast of North Africa?
If we could, then we could decrease some of the formations of tropical storms that develop over those warm waters. The change of liquid water to water vapor takes energy, this energy lost from the warm Atlantic Ocean even in microscopic amounts can add up to being the difference of whether or not first, a tropical depression forms and then into a tropical storm, and then into a hurricane! How much water would be needed to be vaporized into the atmosphere, to make a difference could be substantial but would also benefit cloud cover and rainfall, both would lead to cooler temperatures in the surrounding area, again reducing heat generation! Warm waters are the power source, for storm development, reducing the ability of the sun to heat those waters, by creating much more water vapor in the atmosphere, leading to sunlight reflective cloud cover, which will create that needed domino effect that helps in temperature-regulation of the planet. While the ocean water temperature is very important in the development of storms, they are not the only cause of storms, mankind can now help remediate these storms by increasing cloud cover over these warm waters, this would not be an end-all solution to preventing serious storm development! Only time will show us what mankind can do to remediate the intensities of these types of damaging storms. The "plan" would in time take care of these most damaging storms by re-establishing the planet's abilities of temperature regulation! We are talking years and perhaps generations, (one generation is considered to be 30 years) for mankind to replant enough of the planet's arid and semi-arid areas of the planet to completely bring back what the planet was able to do prior to the development of so must arid and semi-arid areas of the planet. The balance that mankind will need to face between a more United Kingdom like weather, and tropical rainforest-type weather over much of the planet. Instead of sunny California, and the deserts of the middle east, will not be a decision for our generation or even our children's, those decisions will be made years into the future, and can only be made as the climate is slowly changed over time. Moving the great rivers of the planet will be of utmost importance in-lined with replanting, but not the only great need in which mankind must start to do! Replenishing the ice staged on the planet is also very important in that both cloud cover, and snow and ice, have high reflective values in removing sunlight from warming the planet and creating that dreaded outcome of extreme temperature over a short 24 hour period! Post number 326 done, reach me at 402-890-7946, or by G-mail @ or to read more, Thank You, and tell others about that crazy guy in Nebraska, Dan
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