1 Since I still have this website I will use it from time to time, but what I believed to be a way to reach the masses, did not turn out to be.

        But I dare not stop, for what is at stake, is simply everything! Mankind simply can not stop using fossil fuel on a time frame that will prevent many of the actions that scientists will say will happen if we do not. Since the only action that mankind can do in the necessary time frame is the "plan" which is the only one that is monetarily feasible, with-out bankrupting the planet! The use of 50,000,000 plus refugees and paying them with fully operational 20-acre farm sites. Increasing, the freshwater infrastructure, to the point that almost no freshwater enters into the seas and oceans of the planet. This has to be the long term goal of mankind.                                                                                                                                                                    The United Nations, must become more forward-looking in using diplomatic solutions to mankind's inter-turmoil problems, no matter how good our intentions are. If we were to become, no longer a viable species on the planet, our demise means the demise of all carbon-based life-forms on the entire planet, in a fairly short period of time!                                                                                                                                          The direction that I have been attempting must be changed, my beliefs that all I had to do was explain the nature of what our planet is facing, and how to fix it with minimal need for great changes from the masses, only reached deaf ears. I could not even get friends to read the full 12-page paper, they would start it, feel that it had little to do with them, and go turn on a movie! (okay I am guessing about the movie).              Just yesterday I saw Bill Gates on T.V. talking about his new book, which is all about mankind's need to repair the planet! I have tried to reach Mr. Gates, for over a year, sending him each of the last several hundred posts, without any response at all. I understand that such people must have thousands of people trying to get their attention, I have a list of around 30 people that are supposed to understand what Climate Change is about, again no response at all. Is everyone on this planet so locked in on what point of view they share, that they have forgotten all of the mistakes of the past? Or have they set up so many roadblocks so that any attempted communications will not be forwarded to them? Even attempting to reach out to Nebraska Public Radio, has returned no response! Yet conspiracy theories are picked up by the millions! What is it that makes people tune-out to one thing and jump on the band-wagon of another? Dan 


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