7 How long will it take to completely repair the "Temperature -Regulating-Abilities" of the planet?

        While it takes many millions of years for our planet to slowly adapt to lower levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, because there are so many contributing factors to how plant life adapts, and it is "plant life" that over time that has always been the driving force behind remaking the atmosphere of the planet! Until (thankfully) Mankind's arrival in numbers high enough to cause change so much faster than nature can!                                                                                                                                                                             The labor force that mankind could be put forth, would be able to undo arid and semi-arid areas of the planet in as little as a few generations of man. While to some that may seem like forever, and to others that will seem like an unbelievable short period of time to accomplish as much as needs to be done.                              Many people use the date of 10,000 years B.C. when much of mankind changed from hunter-gatherers to agricultural (stay in one place and plant and harvest what a community needs to survive). As hunter-gatherers, mankind did not affect the carbon cycle very much, burning wood to keep warm would have speed up the carbon cycle somewhat. Only as "Farmers" did mankind start increasing the rate of the carbon cycle, they did not use fossil fuels, to increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or burn limestone to make cement, but they did remove trees that would store carbon for centuries, and increase the rate of plant decomposition, all of which ended up increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, helping to maintain planet-wide temperatures that ended up pushing back the time-frame of when the planet would enter into another ice-age! Normally this would have happened starting around 3,000 years ago, long before mankind's start of the "industrial revolution" only 200 or so years ago. There have been several episodes in the last 2,000 years where the planet had started forward into another ice-age, these times closely lined-up with reduced agricultural use due to massive die-offs of mankind, both by disease's such as the black plague and by the killing off of 50 - 80 million native American's who were farmers, not hunter-gatherers, by bringing disease's from Europe that they had no immunity against. There has also been a few massive volcanic eruptions that cooled the planet down for very short periods of time, that once the ash clouds settled down then the resulting increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere warmed up the planet.                                     Deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet were also increasing since the end of the last ice age, again due to the low levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and the sunlight hitting the unprotected bare soils of these areas also help in maintaining warmer temperatures around the planet. But now that mankind has increased the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by around 150 parts per million over the last century or so, this plus the temperature extremes caused by sunlight hitting unprotected soils has caused extreme climate changes. That mankind has come to believe is only the direct resort of man, not the true nature of the last 3 billion years of abundant plant life on this planet that has resulted in the sequestration of over 100,000,000 gigatonnes of carbon removed from the carbon cycle.

    One of the main tenets of science is to use a control group whenever possible to help with explaining outcomes. but how do you do a control group when the atmosphere of a planet is involved? It is not like we have a sister planet that does not have any life on it but was very much like the Earth was 4 billion years ago is there? (I am being a little facetious here but I do think that much can be learned by studying our sister planet Venus. Venus does still have a primordial atmosphere, for several reasons, the first and most important is probably no life or if there is life it is nominal and seems not to have much effect on its atmosphere)

     Studying Venus by NASA has already given us most of what we need in understanding the Earth, while the causes of why Venus has no life is somewhat important for understanding why Earth does (no short days that allows life to have a consistent energy source Venus takes 243 earth days for one rotation meaning that it takes 116 earth days long days and 116 earth days long nights, very difficult for using photosynthesis for plant life! No magnetic field protecting Venus from the suns rays! The distance from the sun means more energy from the sun reaching Venus) Looking at Venus atmosphere now is most likely what the Earth's atmosphere would of been like once the lighter gasses in the atmosphere of both planets were lost to space, because neither planets gravity was strong enough to keep them in the atmosphere, mainly "hydrogen and helium". 

    Gasses that did remain were "by far" made up of carbon, carbon dioxide makes up 96% of Venus's atmosphere and then 3.5% nitrogen, plus Venus's atmosphere is 92 times denser then the Earth's atomphere! This is not a minor difference! Each and every molecule of carbon that has been removed from what had been in the Earth's atmosphere was removed due to life and the death of that life, by binding just a very tiny amount of the whole each and every year that abundant life has been on the planet into types of sequestered carbon that was not easily brought back into the planet's active carbon cycle! 

    Another point to look at is how much carbon has been removed from the active planet's carbon cycle, scientist have estimated that amount as between 60 million and 100 million gigatons, yet if we calclutate how much carbon is just in the atmosphere of Venus we take 800 gigatonnes in Earth's atmosphere which equals .0410% and Venus has 96% and 92 atmospheres, meaning that Venus has more carbon just in its atmosphere then all of the estimated carbon on our planet combined, since there is no reason to believe that a planet slightly smaller than the Earth would have so much more carbon or any other element at the time of its conception. My own hypothesis is that as carbon is sequestrated that happens mainly in the great oceans of the planet, both by soil erosin draining into these water and the vast amount being sequestered directly into these water by the death of oxysters, clams, and many other carbon containing life, that in the slow process of the movements of the great tectonics plates of the planet, as these plates collide, half of the squestrated carbon is lifted up and builds mountain and the other half is driven down deeper into the planet where it can not be easily estimated by scientists, thereby missing almost half of the total amount of carbon sequestered on the planet!

    I am so hoping that someone will start spreading the word about what our planet is truly facing or a least get behind the "plan" as a great way of stopping Global Warming and Climate Change, while increasing the economical welfare of a great percentage of the world's population! anyone wishing to talk, I can be reached by phone at 402-890-7946, or contact me at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com  or to read more you can tell others to go to   https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com   Thank you, Dan


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