CCCXXX Global Warming} When someone states that the planet carbon cycle would be in perfect harmony if only mankind was not on the planet!
I have heard and read this many times, over the last 50-plus years! And I believed them until I realize that what they were saying was simply because they had heard the same thing as long as I have, and had no reason to question it. It went like this; Carbon can never be easily created or destroyed, so how much carbon was here when the planet first came together, is still here today. (this is true!) Then they say; therefore the planet is a perfect recycler of carbon, (this is false!) while the planet has no known way of destroying carbon that is not the same as recycling carbon. What they are implying is that carbon dioxide will eventually return back into carbon dioxide over time, whether that is in a quick carbon cycle, a mid-range carbon cycle, or a long-term carbon cycle, sooner or later it will be returned as carbon dioxide! Perhaps, when the planet was very young both the internal heat and the constant bombardment from space, would lead to this very rare option. (but I doubt it). This was what happen when Aristotle (384-322b.c.) stated that things fall to the ground at a speed based on their weight! It only took around 1900 years before Galileo Galilei (1564-1641 a.d.) Dropped items off of the Leaning Tower of Pisa disproving that theory! Without questioning long-held "beliefs" with proven scientific facts we can not learn. How can both of these statements be true? 1) there are between 60,000,000 and 100,000,000 gigatonnes of carbon sequestrated in nature that was once carbon-based life, and 2) that the carbon cycle is a perfect recycler of carbon, one of these statements by their very nature must be false! Since we can see and calculate how much carbon is held in some form that carbon-based life can not use, be that some type of fossil fuel, some type of sedimentary rock, or buried deep in the great rivers delta's of the planet, we know that the Carbon-Cycle can not be a perfect recycler of carbon. Just as mankind can not create a "perpetual motion machine", because science has proven that over and over, neither can perpetual motion exist even on a planetary scale! Having an unlimited source of energy from a Star is not enough to allow perpetual motion to exist, there are simply too many things that are required for life to continue on any planet in the Universe, that given enough time will run low and then out of! On this planet, the only place that mankind can exist, "that something" is carbon in the form of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the planet! There are less than 46,000 gigatonnes of available carbon left on the planet! the planet sequestrates on average 10 gigatonnes every year, while the still restless planet and its slow-moving tectonic plates, returns on average 3 gigatonnes every year. This creates a loss on average of 7 gigatonnes each and every year. Only mankind's appearance on the planet has prevented, the last and final ice age that would have started around 3,000 years ago! Next time someone tells you that mankind is totally at fault, for all of the problems that this planet is facing, send them to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot,com to read The complete cause and solution to Global Warming by dan kadavy, this short 12-page paper explains what the planet is really facing, and why we are its last chance!
I have explained now so that it becomes obvious, that yes carbon dioxide in the form of carbon-bearing rocks has been taken away from what life needs, but does that mean that mankind must begin to do something about that right now, why not in a couple of hundred years or thousand years, for are we not adding carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere offsetting what is lost to sequestration?
Let me explain why in just a little bit. But if carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is being depleted enough to cause ice ages to develop and at one point it was by far the most extensive gas in a much denser atmosphere, why are we only concerned with the sequestration of carbon? Shouldn't the same natural process, also would be making other things in short supply? Now you are hitting the nail on the head, yes the easiest necessary nutrient to see as being depleted around the planet is iron! In many places you will see red-banded rocks, that is iron oxides, that were removed from life many millions of years ago. Wind, rain, erosion, and plate tectonics, are all beneficial natural states of the planet that help to redistribute materials around the planet, for use and reuse by life! One of the best ways for iron to be redistributed is the wind that erodes iron-bearing rock and sands down enough for winds to take it around the planet. But winds do not evenly distribute iron everywhere, there are places in the great oceans of the planet that scientists call "ocean deserts"! These are areas that are extremely lacking in the micro-nutrient of iron and therefore "life is extremely limited"!
The same attitude that prevents mankind from bringing iron into these areas to recreate abundant life, is first, that nature is perfect, and she knows how to survive as she has done for billions of years, and the second, is the law of unintended consequences, "where using simple solutions to try to regulate complex systems, and then new unforeseen problems develop"! While the reasoning behind both of these ideas, as to why mankind does not do anything, to help these areas, is not thought out enough to justify not doing anything! It is something that mankind is famous for, "procrastination". Only if someone sees dollar signs ahead are things attempted, then either get out of the way or you will get run over!
Right now scientists are telling us that Global Warming and Climate Change are simply a man-made problems, and the "Simple Solution" is to stop adding greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and extreme weather will be either stopped or reduced!
Perhaps if extreme weather was solely a man-made problem of our addition of around 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and was not a 3.5 billion years in the making natural process that carbon sequestration and the resulting creation of deserts and semi-arid areas around the planet, then their solution of everyone becoming carbon-neutral would have a slight chance of working! But it isn't and therefore can not be the correct response! The only correct response is to recreate what the planet has lost, to there simply not having enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to have abundant life on the whole planet!
And "NO" this does not mean simply adding carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere! It "MEANS" recreating the planet's temperature-regulating abilities, of cloud-cover, created by planet respiration, not by putting aerosols into the atmosphere! "not even as a temporary solution" No matter how many millionaires would love to make even more money by doing so and then telling everyone that by paying them millions of dollars they will be helping to save the planet!
So getting back to the original question of why must we start repairing the planet now and not sometime in the future, if scientists understood that Climate Change and Global Warming are being created by mankind's re-introduction of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but they have not made the connection of our planet losing so much of its temperature-regulating abilities, which means that requiring everyone to become carbon-neutral without decreasing the amount of arid and semi-arid areas around the world by replanting these areas using the freshwater rivers of the planet to do so, will end up being perhaps the most expensive non-working plan ever designed! While decreasing the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet by using all of the freshwater rivers of the planet will not only help recreate enough of the temperature-regulating-abilities of the planet but will do so by enriching the middle and poor classes of the planet! All, waiting will do, is to make it just that much harder to start repairing the great oceans, of man-made pollution, increasing social unrest, with an ever-increasing refugee problem in so many places of the planet, increase the differences between the classes even more, and cause even more political upheaval!
I can be reached 24/7 by phone at 402-890-7946, or my G-mail is Or to read so very much more, on this most important issue, go to Thank you, Dan
P.S. Occam's Razor has caused so much unnecessary ignorance to mankind, always trying to find the simplest solution for complex problems. Right now millions of Americans who believe that Trump should have won the election, and the problem of the whole world are somehow Joe Bilden's fault! Believing that mad-man from Russia would never have dared to invade, or that the over-burdened supply chains, would never become a problem, and the labor problem would simply disappear and so to inflation!
The divide between rich and poor is now so staggering that any comparison would be a waste of time. No longer are millionaires and now billionaires happy with having it all, they all want more. Every company that feels they have some type of hold on the consumer, keeps raising their prices, always with the promise that they will deliver even more and more options to them for their entertainment choices. Yet every CEO, and owner, of these platforms are so rich that they need leagues of people investing their money! Crazy! (but also completely immoral no matter how much money they give to charities that would not be needed if we treated people fairly, to begin with!)
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