CCCXXXII I have so many post now that it may be becoming difficult for people to even understand what the blog site is about, so summarizing.
My name is Dan Kadavy, I have been studying for over 50 years, why this beautiful planet entered into a cyclical, in nature, ice age, starting around 2.5 million years ago? What I discovered was that the cyclical part gave me direction to go into! What would cause ice being staged on the planet to go from constantly increasing to decreasing over time? A brilliant man named Milutin Milankovitch (an astronomer) put forth the fact that the relationship between how much energy the Earth receives from the Sun, changes over time! These cycles were later named after him as "Milankovitch oscillations". Many felt that this explained the cyclical nature of past ice-ages, however, he was not so sure. Later several studies were done in the 1970s that concluded that that "Milankovitch oscillations" only "paced the cycles" but did not "cause the cycles", something else did that! It took me another 30 years to find out about studies that talked about "carbon sequestration" These studies explained that limestone, all of the fossil fuels, and other forms of buried carbon, all removed carbon from the active "Carbon Cycle" of the planet, no longer available for plants to use in the form of carbon dioxide! There is a very large range that scientists give for how much carbon has been sequestrated over the billions of years that carbon-based life has been on the planet, those numbers are 60,000,000 to 100,000,000 gigatonnes (1 gigaton is 1 million tons) while these numbers are staggering, what the true number is not as important as how much scientists say is left on the planet for all carbon-based life to use! These are those numbers, 40,000 gigatonnes in the oceans and waters of the planet, 4,000 in fossil fuels, (this number is important because of its easy use as energy) 1,500 gigatonnes in the planet's soils, 800 in the atmosphere of the planet, and 560 gigatonnes in living plants and animal life, for a grand total of 46,860 gigatonnes! Still sounds like a lot right, after all, 1 gigaton is 1 million tons, and the planet is slowly warming up so what seems to be the problem? This is where we need to understand where the planet would be with-out mankind being on it at this point in time! The time between ice-ages are called "Interglacial Periods" they only last around 10,000 years before another ice-age begins, yet the planet is already 13,000 years or so since the last ice-age ended, mankind is the reason that the planet is not already 3,000 years into another ice-age! Does that mean that we were adding carbon back into the carbon cycle for that length of time? Not really, what we were unintentionally doing with our farming practices, was to decrease the amount of time carbon was being removed from the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide, instead of forests where carbon would stay locked away for long periods of time, mankind needed clear farmland to grow crops and graze livestock. This increased the speed of the carbon cycle, resulting in more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, helping to maintain warm enough temperatures to extend the interglacial period. We can trace back several points in our recent past when mankind population had been reduced by the Black Plague, and other diseases, along with manmade "atrocities" such as the killing of 50-70 million America Indians caused large losses in farmland production which lowered the rate of the carbon cycle enough to bring about "mini-ice-ages to occur, only to be stopped by mankind's burning of trees to stay warm, offsetting the loss of farming induced carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! ( meaning Europes population ended up burning much of the forest of that continent over a very short period of time) All of these incidences prove that at least as far back as 3,000 years ago mankind was already able to influence the planet's overall climate! (Unintentionally and with-out knowing, that we were doing so!) Let us go back to the amount of carbon that is still available for life, 46,860 gigatonnes in some form that is easily used for life, we need to remember that nature has been and still is sequestrating carbon, by erosion and the death and burial of countless sea life, even as we speak. without mankind on the planet, sequestration of carbon is around 10 gigatonnes per year, while the planets still restless techtonics plates, return around 3 gigatonnes per year, leaving a net loss of around 7 gigatonnes per year! Think of the oceans much like a cell membrane, and carbon dioxide as a gas that will only pass thru that membrane when the level in the atmosphere is a higher concentration than what is inside the cell, what this means is that the carbon that is stored in the waters of the oceans will not travel to the atmosphere until those levels are less than what is in the ocean, At the end of the last ice-age 13,000 years ago there were 13,000 (years) times 10 (gigatonnes of loss of carbon each year) equals 130,000 gigatonnes of available carbon, then there is now, all of it was stored in the oceans of the planet, not in its atmosphere. If mankind was to suddenly be removed from the planet today, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would drop around 2 parts per million in the atmosphere every year. The planet is at around 415 parts per million right now, a new ice-age starts when levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reaches between 180 parts per million and 200 parts per million depending on where the planet is in relationship to the Milankovitch oscillations! Meaning that at best it would only take 415 minus 180 equals 235 divided by a loss of 2 parts per million equal 117.5 years before the planet enters into the next and very last ice-age! Why do I say the very last Ice-age? Because the way that an ice-age is overcome by the planet is by increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to a point where the energy from the sun is converted to heat by the increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which only can happen as the waters of the planet, by evaporation into snow and ice, releases the stored carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere! The normal length of time for this to happen is to look back at previous ice-ages, which is now around 100,000 years, and if carbon sequestration is still removing even a little bit of the carbon that remains in the waters of the oceans that 39,000 gigatonnes will be long gone even if all of the oceans evaporated, leaving behind a frozen planet! All of the carbon that the planet has ever had for life to use, is still on the planet! Just no longer in a form that life can use, no matter how much limestone is next to a tree, that tree can only use carbon in the form of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and that has to be at least 150 parts per million for most species of plant life on the planet that mankind has named C-3 plants, which makes up the majority of plants on the planet including most of what mankind uses for food. We are now at the point of this paper where we need to be, concerning just how important mankind's appearance on the planet is if all of the planet's carbon-based life including mankind is to continue! Has mankind's addition of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere caused unwanted changes in the form of extreme weather and undesirable temperature extremes? YES, YES, and YES! Now what? Up until 50 years ago any additional manmade gases in the atmosphere had a balancing effect on normal carbon sequestration. The vast majority of available carbon has always been stored in the great waters of the planet. The land part of the planet could easily store quite a bit more carbon than it does now but nothing like what the waters of the world can, and has done in the past. What mankind needs to do now, is to re-establish the lost temperature-regulating ability, that this planet use to have, but lost due to the creation of so much arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, not caused by mankind, but caused because there simply was not enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for all of the planet to have abundant carbon-based life everywhere, when low levels of carbon dioxide are in the atmosphere, then C-3 plants need to open up there stoma's wider then normal to allow enough carbon dioxide inside the cell wall's ( think of the plant's stoma's as our lungs) this process causes water vapor to be released by the C-3 plant that would not normally happen, and if the plant is in an area that does not receive enough rain to offset the losses caused by low carbon dioxide levels, then a cascading effect of plant death, therefore less plant respiration meaning less water vapor in the air, causing less cloud cover, more sunshine and less rain, meaning more arid and semi-arid areas of the planet. These creations of these areas were necessary, at this point in time, because it increases the amount of available carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for the rest of the planet, not just by having fewer plant striving to share carbon dioxide, but it also increases available carbon dioxide because of where the plant's had been, that carbon that was locked away in the surrounding soils is also now available as the existing bacterial breaks it down and releases that carbon as carbon dioxide to increase how much will be available in the atmosphere! These losses of plant life and the creation of arid and semi-arid areas are now so widespread over the whole planet that the loss of cloud cover and its accompanying lack of rainfall, has changed, how well the planet can regulate its temperature! Just as snow and ice can reflect sunlight straight back into space allowing or should I say causing the lower temperature's to prevail, and therefore increasing snow and ice elsewhere. Cloud cover also reflects sunlight, but it also maintains warmer temperatures at night by acting as a blanket, thus doing exactly what is needed to minimize temperature extremes! It must be remembered that temperature extremes are what causes weather extremes! In many desert areas right now, it can be quite common for high temperature to reach well over 100 degrees during the daylight hours and yet drop down to freezing at night, while tropical rain forest at the same longitude may reach 90 degrees on a hot day and down to as low as 70 degrees at night. Meaning, yes lots of rains but few extreme storms, and that is what we are looking to achieve. By this point in the paper, we should understand the mechanics of the planet, It is not just mankind's fault that there is such a large degree of extreme weather, caused by mankind's addition of fewer than 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide to the planet's atmosphere. But in conjunction with the planet's loss of much of its temperature-regulating abilities, this has provided contributing degrees of cause and effect, that only mankind has the power to repair, mitigate, and re-establish, the temperature-regulating ability of the planet, and in doing so will prevent such reactions to happen later, once we have helped to do so! How do we do that, you would like to know? This is the whole idea of what the "plan" does (Who remembers what Lex Luther said to Superman in the 1975 movie of the same name, what will mankind pay thru the nose for? Land!) Well in the "plan" we do not have to pay thru the nose for anything, but what we will be doing is creating farmland out of arid, and semi-arid areas of the planet, by using the freshwater from all of the small and great rivers of the planet, instead of those same water being allowed to enter and pollute the seas and oceans of the planet! This is a very audacious "plan", however never in history has moving water not been profitable, and the labor needed to do such a "plan" will be the 50-80,000,000 people who are trying to find a better, more rewarding life, then they have left! I am talking about all of the refugees that are around the planet, their reward will be 20-acre farm sites with a 1-acre fish pond for growing sea-food, Just like the Homestead Act in 1862 middle America, as the freshwater is moved from excess to need, then what I am calling "camps" but are really small towns will be built by this same workforce, connected by railroads, and flowing streams of life-giving water, full of the sediment that comes with this type of water, to start the fertilization of these arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, that simply can not support plant life now. Only by replanting these areas can we hope to re-establish the temperature-regulating ability that was lost by the creation of these areas due to lack of adequate carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and only now do we have enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to do so! No big companies will be needed, education will be the bedrock of those that will be needed for the "plan" This will NOT be like using cheap labor to build our railroads, or drain our swamps, or build our Canals. These people will work for themselves earning a fully "paid-for home in the camps" and the twenty acres that will go with that accomplishment, no one will be able to buy or sell those land-grants they will only be able to pass them along to their dependents. this will prevent companies from coming in and trying to force owners to sell out cheap, for the companies benefit! There will of course be a need for others to supply entertainment, goods, all of the necessities that living in a small town entails. but all costs associated with both sides of this equation will be set so that everyone makes a comfortable living as long as the work that is required is done! The food that will be produced by millions of small farms will greatly reduce the hunger around the planet, and go a long way in reducing the poverty that goes hand and hand with each other. Using the fresh water's of the planet is the only way forward! I have over 330 posts that expand on this "plan" which talks about, glacier replenishment, energy production, increasing water vapor in areas that would benefit, and many other needs that our planet can both supply and be helped with, while helping ourselves at the same time! I can be reached in the USA @ 402-890-7946, or by G-mail @ or if you wish to continue reading more, you can go to I would love to have a conversation with anyone on this most important subject.And I would appreciate it if you would tell others! Thank you, Dan Kadavy I live in Nebraska, USA
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