CCCXXXIV Global Warming and Climate Change} The USA is very well situated for using the waters to replant the western part of the country

        The Eastern part of the USA is fairly well watered by natural rainfall, but once you get west of the Missouri River then naturally occurring rainfall amounts decrease going west and south. The canals and pipelines that would be needed to bring water to these areas, remind me of the trains that made the opening up of the west possible.                                                                                                                                              Many of the railroad easements of the past has long been abandoned, leaving many already surveyed trails, some of the best routes for bringing water west! "Cut and cover" is the most invasive and expensive way to install pipelines, direct tunneling gives the most flexibility, and can be done year around instead of only seasonally.                                                                                                                                                           New designs in large bore tunneling, have made great progress in making these boring much more cost-effective. If done correctly, these water moving tunnels could even act as conduits for transporting goods in one direction around the country, and rail transportation could do the return.                                                Infrastructure, is how a country grows, once such a system is installed transportation costs are greatly reduced, as is the cost of fuels. This does imply that a uniform standard of construction is used in designing these waterways, and that the removal of silts and solids would need to occur at the point of entry, not at the point of discharge, but the silts could be placed in the carrying containers, as that is where the need for them would be! Regulations concerning the construction of these conduits/tunnels, should be at a minimum, as water should not be considered a hazardous material! If we placed accurate sensors on the containers they could report on the integrity and conditions of the conduits/tunnels on every trip. This would help prevent foreseeable problems before they become major concerns.                                                                                       One of the most important needs for the replanting of these arid and semi-arid areas is the people necessary to facilitate, full planting, and production of the region. Meaning huge areas of arid land owned by single individuals will not work, as these lands will now be many times more productive than before. We are not trying to create millionaires, but millions of middle-class farmers, not indentured servants! Meaning that for every 20 million acres there will be a need for 1 million farm families, or in smaller terms, 1 square mile is 640 acres, which will support 32 families. The average family size in the USA is 2.53 which would equal around 81 people per square.                                                                                                                                       If we use New Mexico as an example, its total population is around 2,l00,000 people, and averages out to around 17.2 people per square mile with 100% of NewMexico fully watered and fully populated, we would increase New Mexico by around 5 times its current population to around 10 million people. Of course, nothing could ever be 100%, for, in the beginning, many areas of New Mexico are lacking in some requirements for easy re-planting even with abundant water available. But it does show us the possibility and possible areas of contention! As always I can be reached at 402-890-7946 or by G-mail at  or if anyone would like to read more go to  It is up to you to tell others about, "that guy in Nebraska". Thank you, Dan Yes it really is up to whoever reads my posts to tell others that there is another way to repair Global Warming and Climate Change that will not separate the "haves and the have nots" even more, or causes more harm in the long run, in terms of repairing the long-term needs of the Planet!


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