10 Most people have read about "Occam's Razor" this is a "supposedly scientific belief" that the simplest explanation is usually the right one. Wrong!
Occam's Razor date back to the 14th century, and should have been left there! It tries to find the simplest solution that fits the "know facts" and then calls that the "solution". If a woman is murdered, then the husband or boyfriend did it. If mankind is using fossil fuels and that use, puts carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere of the planet, then "case closed" mankind use of fossil fuels is the only problem, there can not be any other mitigating factors. Simplicity may be a nice design strategy, but it should never be used as a solution that does not take in all known variables in a scientific dialogue! Witchcraft, and the resulting murder of millions of innocent "mainly women" was Occam's Razor's answer to strong-minded women who did not conform to what many considered un-woman-like attitudes. To put it bluntly, simplicity is rarely the correct solution to almost any problem. Do we all drive the same simple to repair cars and trucks, many counties did try that, all it led to was poorly built cars because they had no competition, on quality or design. Does anyone really consider life design simple, how much more complex can you get, than the human body and the brain that makes it all work? Or both DNA, or RNA, even a simple single-cell bacterial, can take whole lifetimes to understand. No simplicity, is something that is never seen in nature and rarely seen in mankind's interactions with each other, so how could we ever believe that something as simple as returning carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere back to levels seen 100 years ago will magically return the planet to a more gentle time? Evolutionary progress is not the correct word for life on this planet. Adaptation to ever-changing atmospheric conditions, almost always caused by the existing plant and animal life on the planet (barring the occasional meteor strike, or supervolcanic event) is a much more realistic and accurate term that explains life. Yes, evolution makes it sound like life is always trying to improve upon itself ( Bill Watterson of Calvin and Hobbes fame, had Calvin declare that he "Calvin" was the final product of the evolution of man, that's would not be my explanation, but who am I to say) When the truth is not quite as awe-inspiring as reaching the pinnacle of evolution but simply adapting to constantly changing conditions which any species find itself in. Just as the plant and animal life that existed one hundred million years ago, could not survive for long on this planet now. the same would happen in reverse, however for different reasons. Mankind's "progress" for the last 25,000 years has not been based so much on adaptation to changing norms, but on our ability to learn and pass on to our young that knowledge via words and written language, Think of the progress that we could have brought forth if all of the peoples of the planet, for those 25,000 years, had been educated and taught how to think, instead of kept for the most part in ignorance, and slaves to others. How many Tesla's, Einstein's, Gandhi's, and King's we have missed out on. Not just brains, but also humanitarian's. One without the other, takes us down a path that we have seen over and over. Dan, my phone is 402-890-7946, please, tell others my E-mail is danielkadavy212@gmail.com There are now over 430 posts concerning how every planet in the universe either has faced or will face what our planet is now at this point in time facing! That site is https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com it explains the why and the how-to repair our planet in a timely fashion.
Then goes forward in telling how only a thinking and acting species can repair the Earth but with a catch, if, and many would say, "when", mankind disappeared from being a viable species on the planet, carbon sequestration will again hold sway, and the doomsday clock for the vast majority of carbon-based life on the planet will once again start its process towards the Earth becoming a frozen wasteland hurling thought space as other planets it the universe that did not have a pathway to become self-regulating in some way have done or may do so in the future.
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