D What can you take away from these post's that is different from either side of the climate change issue?
What can you take away from these posts that are truly different from either side of the climate change issue you ask? That whether or not there will still be carbon-based life on a non-frozen over planet in the "near future or not"Let's put down in an order of what science has determined to be recognizable facts! One, The latest series of Ice-ages started around 2.5 million years ago. (Scientists say that they do not know for sure what caused that to happen, but it may have something to do with Milankovitch oscillations?) While I say that it was a direct result of low concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the planet, and the only relationship it has to the Milankovitch oscillations is to explain when another ice-age starts or stops in relationship to both the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, plus how much sunlight that the planet is receiving at that time! But the cause of when an ice-age comes to an end is when enough of the waters of the oceans of the planet has been evaporated to create ice, so that the carbon dioxide that had been stored in those waters, has now been released into the atmosphere to warm up the planet enough for the ice to recede and a short inter-glacial period of normally around 10,000 years to exists, before the planet's sequestration of carbon causes the return of another ice-age based on those levels reaching between 180-200 parts per million, in association with where in the Milankovitch oscillations the planet is at! Try and say that paragraph 5 times in a row! But this is where causation and effect are tied directly together! Second, "Carbon Sequestration" by both the death of carbon-based life, and soil erosion caused by, wind, rain, and freeze-thaw cycles of the great mountain ranges of the planet, has been estimated at 10 gigatonnes of carbon loss per year. While the planet's tectonic plate movement, which causes volcanoes and melting where these plates either collide, slip-by, or separate. Returns on average around 3 gigatonnes of carbon, normally in the form of carbon dioxide per year. Between carbon sequestration, and the planet's return of some of the carbon that had been taken out of the carbon cycle leaves a deficit of around 7 gigatonnes of carbon each and every year! Going only back to the start of the "present existence of ice-ages on the planet around 2,500,000 years ago" times the loss of 7 gigatonnes per year equals 17,500,000 gigatonnes of carbon being sequestrated over that short time frame. (Short when you consider the overall timeframe of carbon-based life on the planet of around 3,000,000,000 years,) 17,500,000 gigatonnes of carbon sequestrated (remember 1 gigaton is 1,000,000,000 tons) in only the last 2.5 million years of carbon-based life on the planet, and there is mainly one place that held all of this carbon, the great waters of the planet. Scientists have calculated how much "available" carbon is left on the planet (available carbon is that carbon easily recycled and used by life.) These are those numbers, 39,000 gigatonnes still in the seas and oceans of the planet, 4,000 gigatonnes of fossil fuels (I include this number because while nature can not easily use carbon in this form it is available for use by mankind and therefore available to nature at that point) 1,500 gigatonnes in the planet's soils, 800 gigatonnes in the atmosphere of the planet, (mankind addition of around 1/3 of this amount is where many place mankind's sole responsibility on climate change and global warming) and 560 gigatonnes in the planet's living plant and animal life, for a total of 45,860 gigatonnes of carbon that is considered to be available for "The Carbon Cycle"! If perpetual motion was possible on the planetary scale with the outside energy of the sun as negating factor which would allow perpetual motion to exist then, 45,860 gigatonnes of carbon, would work as a continuing source of life! However, we have documented that carbon sequestration removes on average 7 gigatonnes every year, year in and year out, meaning that in only 6,550 years all carbon on the planet will be sequestrated in some form that life will be unable to use for that very life! This is just a twinkle in time compared to the 3,000,000,000 years that carbon-based life has existed on this planet, and "No" life can not continue to exist for the next 6,550 years as we know it, life is not like gasoline in a car's engine, where the car will continue to run well until the tank is empty, it has already, prior to man's appearance on the planet, started to limit where and what type of life can exist! The obvious areas are the arid and semi-arid area's of the planet which now accounts for over 25% of the land surface of the planet, Less obvious areas are in the ocean of the planet where other limiting factors other than low carbon dioxide have created areas that have limited life, one of these limiting factors seems to be the lack of available iron. Just like carbon, iron can not be destroyed and whatever materials were first available when life started is still on the planet, but has been taken out of the lifecycle of the planet by sequestration of that very life. (There are two elements that the planet has lost to space, hydrogen, and helium they are so light that the gravitational effects of the planet allow them to drift off into space by several different actions while the larger planet's in the solar system with stronger gravity have been able to keep more of these two elements than our planet has!) Life has certain absolute needs, and when those needs are not met, will limit life! Farmers know that to grow certain crops they must meet those needs that can vary both crops to crop, and by the materials that are in the soils of where they farm. Most crops that are not in the "Legume family", need nitrogen added each year, to be able to grow a decent yield. yet mankind does not relate this need to what the planet is going through, understanding that we need to maintain our own farmland is vital to feeding the world population, yet the planet can somehow maintain all of the different life with-out outside intervention (meaning mankind) is very shortsighted. This driving life-force has to adapt to ever slowly changing conditions, both in the soil make-up and the ever-changing atmosphere gases of the planet! What mankind has deemed "Evolution is really more likely to be an adaptation to changing norms that allow life to continue!" This all boils down to the fact that Perpetual Motion even on a planetary scale is impossible, while the larger the planet the longer it may take for the needs of life to become difficult to continue, there will come a time when certain types of life will become impossible without a thinking and acting species on that planet willing to and with the ability to, repurpose once squestrated elements back into what life can use to continue! Our planet already has been changed both for the good and for the bad by the appearance of mankind, we no longer can pretend that what we do, does not have an effect on all life on the planet, how we go forth can not be left to politicians, and based only on the production of money and wealth, and yet with-out both, we can not go forth! Money, in some form both as a workforce and as a means of supplying the necessary materials, and Politicians to grease the wheels of cooperation between competing counties and their peoples are of the utmost need! This Covid-19 Pandemic that the whole world is working together to overcome has shown us that we can work together to overcome a common problem, yet how important it is to realize that we do all share in doing so. The many different ways that each country addressed Covid-19, proved that only by cooperation and learning by our mistakes and failures can both lives and opportunities to become better as a species can we all save each other. Now an even greater challenge and opportunity for improving both, all carbon-based life, and giving the many millions and even perhaps billions of us stuck in situations that can be vastly improved. As you hopefully can see now, this is the greatest challenge the world has ever seen, even when an Asteroid wiped out much of the planet's life, the planet had both the time and the available carbon to rebuild carbon-based life, yet unless life can re-start using some other ingredients for life than free carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, our planet will simply become another frozen planet circling a medium-size star! I hope that this post has given you a new outlook on how we need to see both ourselves and our planet Earth! Anyone wishing to talk or correspond with me, I can be reached in the USA @ 402-890-7946 or by g-mail at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com. Spreading these posts and telling others along with the discussions that would be necessary is of the utmost need. Thank you, Dan
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