This Blog spot explains in layman's terms what our planet is facing, and we are so lucky that scientists are advanced enough to notice the change!

        As little as 500 years ago mankind really had no idea what the atmosphere was made up of and how all life depended upon just a fraction of that atmosphere,  now however mankind has started the long slow process of understanding how life on this planet needs to interact with both the planet and its every so slowly changing atmosphere. While some parts of life can exist only in certain areas of the planet, much of life has the ability to adapt to many different conditions that the planet has to offer. Mankind is the very model of being able to adapt, but it is our brains that help us to do so, and the oceans have barely been touched by our ability to live within their borders! At best we can temporarily traverse over, upon, and underneath, their waters. Even then not without dangers and increased loss of life!                                                                              Birds are perhaps the very best at adapting to the conditions that the planet has to offer, certain types of birds may themselves have a limited range of habitat, and yet, almost everywhere on the planet birds may be found! They have even adapted to a larger range of oxygen levels than most other land animals have done. Life in the oceans too has adapted to much lower levels of oxygen in the waters of the planet, that otherwise would have greatly reduced that very life.                                                                                                 

    Plants in many ways are what drives the rest of life, only plants take the sun's energy and converts it to life, all other higher life forms then uses that plant-produced energy for sustaining their own lives. Whenever plant life fails so will all life fail! 

    Scientists have shown us so many wonderest discoveries, but we are still dependant on photosynthesis for life itself, and we must protect plant life at any cost! when an asteroid hit the planet 67 million years ago, yes it did kill many of the planet's lifeforms that day but it was the loss of plant life and the following cold due to the dust in the atmosphere for perhaps years, that killed off the dinosaurs and most of the larger land animal's, yes the asteroid caused blockage of sunlight for a long enough period that plant life could not sustain the animals depended upon it, that then became a much bigger extinction event. 

    Plantlife's 3 biggest needs are sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide, once upon a time there were over 200,000 times as much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as there is now! (Okay how is that even possible even if the atmosphere was 100 % carbon dioxide divide by .041 you only get 2,439 times more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere has now,) You are not realizing just how thick the planet's atmosphere was 3.5 billion years ago, if you look at the Planet Venus, its atmosphere "right now" is 92 times as thick as the Earth's is "right now" and 96% made up of carbon dioxide (plus it is slightly smaller than the Earth so our number's would be even greater Venus is around .81% of the size of Earth) So the math is as follows, 1.0 divided by .041 (the present carbon dioxide in the atmosphere) equals 24.39 times 96 (the starting carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere around 3.5 billion years ago) equals 2341.46 times 92 (just how much more atmosphere there was 3.5 billion years ago equals 215,414 times as much carbon dioxide as present in the atmosphere, so I rounded down to only 200,000 times as much! 

    Mankind is not very good as recycling if we hit 50% per year as we do with alulminan cans we say that we are doing good, The Earth does so much better, but it also has had a lot of help from plate tectonic which brings much of the sequestrated carbon into contact with heat high enough to bring some of the carbon back into the carbon cycle. Losing 200,000,000 gigaton to sequestration over 3,500,000,000 years is why scientists see the carbon cycle as close to a perpetual machine as possible (plus they only believe that the planet had sequestrated between 60,000,000 gigatonnes and 100,000,000 gigatonnes!) 

     In many ways, it always comes down to the plant life on a planet that ends up determining all life on the planet, both on land and underwater! For it is plant life, that has a lot to do with the make-up of a planet's atmosphere. Yes sea life, also has a major role to play, but mainly by carbon sequestration due to the death of massive amounts of carbon-bearing life, such as clams and oysters! But plant life can also add or change the makeup of the planet's atmosphere by the conversion of gases. The most well-known example of this is by converting carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen, causing one of the largest but slowest extinction (personally I do not consider this as an extinction event, mainly because of the length of time involved) events in the planet's history. (where to draw the line between plant life and animal life at, and on, this level is only by mankind's interpretation, the same could be said for what determine a fruit from a vegetable!)                After everything is said and done, what semantics on words and meaning, are only as important as we decide to make them, for if we chose to say that the meaning of certain words is the same the world over, then why are there many definitions of many words in most dictionaries. Also, politicians could no longer say something, but afterwards, claim that is not what they meant, where would that leave the commentary after each speech is made? Dan 402-890-7946 pass it on!   to read so much more anyone can go to  Thank you,


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