H What if scientist did get everything right about global warming and climate change, however never thought to look deep enough for why!
Think of a movie plot, Perry Mason style, people hear a gunshot, they rush it and see a beautiful woman holding a gun a "Smoking Gun" that science later proves is the murder weapon. If this had been a true police case, "quilty," but this is a case for Perry Mason, and you know what that means, That there is another explanation, and by the end of the show "Not guilty"! But you say to yourself this is not a movie script, where the screenwriter can make anything become reality, we need to follow the science! Have we truly done that? No, we have not done that, science has always gone back only as far as when mankind entered the scene. Example: The planet has not seen carbon dioxide levels this high since the ice-ages first appeared 2.5 million years ago. Yes, this is very true but since low levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are the reason for the appearance of the ice-ages in the beginning, this should not be a surprise! Plus mankind has only been on this planet for less than that 2.5 million years, it must say something about the nature of how our planet works, if it did enter into a cyclical in nature ice-ages even though the sun is slowly increasing in the energy that the planet is receiving at the rate of around 1% every 100 million years! (these really are the time frames we need to look at when we are discussing Global Warming and Climate Change not just the timeframe of since mankind has been on the planet, to do so locks scientists thinking process onto a too short of a period of causation, so that leads them to the only explanation that would fit the parameters as they can see them!)
Back to that "Smoking Gun" I have already talked about Occam's Razor, where the idea that the simplest solution is also the most likely, has led to women and men being charged and killed for being witches, the quilt of husbands and wives murder's by their spouses, many a wrongful incarceration of people only because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, all because of a 14th-century friar who's ideas should have stayed in the 14 century, instead of used as if simplicity was always the correct solution! An "almost scientific" seeming answer, when that is never the answer to how life started, or any other difficult question that life has! Where there is "Smoke" there must also be fire, again no, sometimes there is fire but normally not, a smoking engine is normally caused by the loss of water, smoke in the kitchen, normally something left on the stovetop too long, smoke around a tree being cut down a dull chainsaw blade, smoke coming out of a barbecue oven someone smoking some meat. Looking deeper is how true progress is done, yes you can put a pot of water on a stove and boil water to cook your pasta, but how much harder is it to capture that steam and use it to turn a wheel and then pull a train? Seldom is the "simplest" the correct answer? A 1 pound ball falls at the same speed as a 10 pound ball but it took us around 1500 years to get that one right. We are far from the top of our understanding of how this planet works. We are so very fortunate to be where we are in our understanding of how much we know, as little as 100 years ago we would have no idea about global warming and climate change or how often storms happen. Now we need to be able to say that perhaps we do not quite understand everything and it may very well be more complicated than just mankind's addition of around 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that we need to deal with.
Do not get me wrong, mankind's addition of that 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere has caused more extreme weather and warmer temperatures to happen, the science behind that is vast and uncontroversial! What is controversial, is the much deeper reason why such a small amount has such a large overall profile? That answer can not be placed on mankind's shoulders, for to do that you would be condemning all carbon-based life to the slow extinction that we have unwittingly delayed for the time being.
The planet's temperature-regulating-system for the majority of life on the planet (3.5 billion years) was based on cloud-cover and this system started being compromised as the levels of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere lowered enough to decrease the areas of the planet that could support abundant plantlife in areas that received marginal rainfall, once started, a cascading affect of arid and semi-arid areas on the planet slowly increased, as "C-3" plant life started dying and being replaced by "C-4 and cam" plant life or many times with no plant life at all! Along with that much reduced plant life comes the associated loss of plant respiration. Allowing a drought cycle to begin taking over these areas, which increases conversion of sunlight to heat, instead of energy for plant growth, thereby increasing total temperature extremes for the surrounding areas. No cloud cover to reduce high temperatures for daylight hours and no cloud cover at night to maintain warmth, leading to much larger temperature ranges in short periods of time, a direct result of that is extreme weather events sometime thousands of miles from those areas!
Only your participation, can make the different on getting information out there, into that nether-world of information overload, called the internet. I on the other hand may be reached 24/7 by phone at 402-890-7946 which is in the USA, or my g-mail is daniel.kadavy212@gmail.blogspot.com or there is a large amount of information on my blog site on why the planet is in what could be considered its final phase of life without direct interference, (meaning by mankind) at https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you Daniel James Kadavy.
The scientific communities have got much about Global Warming and Climate Change right! They have understood why warmer oceans and a warmer atmosphere can produce stronger and more extreme weather! Plus their understanding of how much ice is being staged on the planet may very well lead to rising oceans that will put much of the planet human accomplishments in serious danger. What they have missed is why perpetual motion is not possible even on a planetary scale, even with the sun's energy as a outside energy source, Why mankind showed up just as the planet needed a species that has the ability to change the environment enough to allow all carbon-based lifeforms to continue, by keeping just enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to replant the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, which will re-establish much of the lost temperature regulating ability of the planet, that is a questions for the philosophers to ponder?