I is for information not to be confused with, as one of our past leader would say "FAKE NEWS" (which really was not fake) perhaps sometimes simply
A misdiagnosis, does a misdiagnosis constitute fraud, absolutely not, the term "diagnosis" means to learn, to come to know, between, it does not mean "absolutely" exact, or definitely! It truly is a process that requires adaptation to change to changing knowledge, changing parameters, and ever-changing social norms! During both world wars, information was coerced by intimidation of sexual exposure, had there been no reason to worry about others' reaction to one's love life then threats about that, would have kept more important information safe! People are so afraid of a misstep in bringing forth unique ways of looking at a problem, they feel much safer being considered "in step" with others. Even if they are later proved wrong or mistaken everyone else is in the same boat. It is easier to say we were wrong instead of I was wrong.
Now, however, being on the side that ridicules others, are seen as straight shooters not afraid to tell it like it is, the truth can be anything we can convince others to believe! Say it loud and often enough it must be, if not true, at least possible, which means it could be true, right? The vast majority of people on this planet see levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of 410 parts per million as fine, no problem, why should that not be enough for life to continue far, far, into the future for all carbon-based life, or they think that we must not go any higher and getting it back down to around 300 parts per million would bring back "the good old days" that our grandparents knew. "The Status quo"! Keep it simple like "Occam's Razor says's" Just how we could do any of that without trillions upon trillions of dollars spent, only to find out that "oops maybe not" Had we followed the plan outlined in "Life cycle of a planet by Dan Kadavy" very little costs and major infrastructure improvement and a stronger world-wide economy, and lot's more food production!
As I hope you know, I think that using Occam's Razor as an explanation for any answer is beyond stupid, it is laziness to the 10 degree! We are using Occam's Razor right now in explaining Global Warming and Climate Change, isn't it easier to say it is all mankind's fault, because we are a very greedy and selfish species, and if that is true (Which I do believe is true) doesn't that than mean that whatever is going on with the planet extreme weather must also be "OUR FAULT"? No, it does not work that way, while it is due to mankind that this inter-glacier-period, that the planet is now in, is much longer than normal, because of mankind's un-intentionally speeding up the carbon cycle, when our population became large enough that we had to change from being hunter-gatherers, into an agricultural-based economy! That only explains the extra 3,500 years of maintaining enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to prevent the start of the next ice age! To use something like Occam's Razor to give credence to any explanation that does not have enough facts to find "cause" is the same as saying I give up!
Giving up on the planet is not an option, only learning the true cause and how to repair it is! The 12-page paper "Life cycle of a planet by Daniel James Kadavy" explains how carbon sequestration over the 3.5 billion years that abundant carbon-based life has been on the planet, has removed enough carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, that life has had to keep adapting to ever-changing levels of life-giving gases in the planet's atmosphere to come to where we are now! Where the rare gas Argon is 21 times more available in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide is, which all life on "Earth" needs to survive! While the production of oxygen is a waste by-product of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is constantly being lost by the death and burial of life itself!
Where do we go from here? This is the most pivotal point in the history of the planet, Even in the great extinction events of the planet's history, the basic needs for life were still available for life in some form to continue, Energy from either the Sun or the internal heat of the planet, water. and carbon, but only in the form of carbon dioxide in great waters or the atmosphere of the planet! Of these three essential elements, only carbon dioxide is starting to become scarce enough to threaten the continuation of life on the planet, its scarcity has already caused the Planet to enter into a series of ice ages that started around 2.5 million years ago! Plus the creation of more and more arid and semi-arid areas around the planet, greatly reducing the planet's ability for temperature-regulation, because of the loss of so much normal cloud cover over these once lush areas!
Getting this information out to the total population of the planet is the only way to bypass those rich and powerful individuals that run our planet for their own gain!!! For the last 2-years, I have been posting this information and sending it out into the void of both the internet and to people's emails of those who are supposed to be interested in what is happening to our planet, with NO response either saying that I am crazy, or asking for more information to prove this or that, Nothing! Why? If you who do receive my posts, believe I am wrong, tell me why. If you are waiting for someone else to comment or ask, this is all "LIFE" we are talking about. It is not waiting for a "bandwagon" to jump onto, it is saving the planet without ruining the economies of the Planet! The economy is not just the paper money mankind uses to buy and sell materials and labor, it is also the Sun, the atmosphere, grass, water, trees, clouds, birds, animals, and even insects, and bacteria, it is LIFE! All of it is "Essential to Life" which nothing can survive without!
Call, Text, Inform, Ask, Do Something, I can be reached 24/7 in the following ways, phone in the USA at 402-890-7946, E-mail daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or to really read a lot (perhaps 1 million words) go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Without others nothing I say will make any difference, the Earth has done so much by giving life, to the only known place in the solar system, that has abundant life in so many forms with so much beauty and joy! We have the knowledge necessary to keep that life going for as long as mankind can remain a viable species, and also the obligation to do so! Thank you, Dan
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