K is for keeping the truth, being told until we start having a serious conversation about how only mankind can save all carbon-based life!
Today I was listening to Nebraska Public Radio, about how men's sperm count has lowered over 50% since 1973 until now, in what many consider the west (Europe, America's, Australia, New Zealand) but could include the whole planet, not enough data to do so! This is not the first scientific study to do so! If this data is correct can we interpret the cause down to mankind's use of chemicals, or down to another example of adaptation caused by ever-changing conditions that a single species faces with what could be over-population? There have been studies of many species that will limit their own populations in times of hardship, with many causes that can lead to such a development. Could this be one example of that, we know that mankind has made direct decisions to have fewer children born, and the use of birth control is most prevalent in the most educated countries, but it is also in the most populous countries, that governments have tried to reduce its population. Science always tries to find the "cause" of something, and in doing so sometimes overlook mitigating factors, seldom does A simple leads to B! Normally there are multiple factors influencing outcomes. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand starting WW1, The Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, starting WW2 for America, The reasons for Slavery starting the civil war in America in the 1860s, None of these had a single cause and was much more complicated then history would make us believe. Yes, these examples are not about science looking for answers, but they explain that mankind needs to have an easy-to-remember reason of why things happen, which does a great disservice to what actually happened and why. Occam"s Razor all over again, or another great saying, "keep it simple stupid"! none of which do anything more than make people think that everything can be summed up in a simple sentence or phrase, which is never the case. "Life cycle of a planet by Daniel James Kadavy" does try to explain what the planet is going through, in a way that can be understood by most people and the only way to repair the planet to maintain all carbon-based life on the planet, but only for as long as our species can remain a viable species on this planet. No other species can do what mankind needs to do to accomplish, this never-ending activity to maintain the necessary levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, forever! Reach me at <danielkadavy212@gmail.com> 402-890-7946 Thank you, Dan.
John Wilks Booth did a great disservice to not just the North but also the South by killing Abraham Lincoln, in doing so the South was seen as barbarians who deserved all of the bad fortunes that losing the war later brought forth. Lincoln would never have allowed the North's treatment of the South that his murder justified. I for one, believe that President Lincoln would have done everything in his power to reunite the two parts of the country instead of causing the harm that followed, much like The Marshall Plan did for Germany and Japan 80 years later. And not like the plan that was so badly conceived after World War I, leading directly into World War II just 20 years later.
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