O is for the ONLY way to repair the planet's loss of its ability to regulate its TEMPERATURE EXTREMES is by removing arid and semi-arid areas!!!
I can not express how important it is for the whole planet to be covered by enough cloud cover, to both reflect much of the energy of the sun, and use what energy does reach the surface of the planet for plant growth instead of being converted into heat that then rises and is distributed around the planet. Yes, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, and if it was not, then life could not exist on the planet as it would be very cold all the time. However, nothing converts the suns energy to heat faster than bare dark soils or rocks, and without either a blanket of clouds, or carbon dioxide in the atmosphere then at night much of that heat would drift off into space and the temperature extremes would be even greater then we see over deserts today. These temperature extremes can sometimes be almost 100 degrees, from a high of 140 Fahrenheit to a low of 45 degrees Fahrenheit all in a 24 hour period, while in a tropical forest the difference between high and low is much closer to only 20 degrees Fahrenheit making for a much less chance of extreme weather, yes, lots of rain but very few EXTREME storms. This type of situation is what the planet had for billions of years, but as carbon dioxide levels fell causing the creations of arid and semi-arid areas around the planet to increase, and ice to be staged on and off as carbon dioxide levels rose and fell, weather patterns changed, as did those caused by the new normal of temperature extremes. Mankind introduction onto the planet started having a stabilizing effect with the introduction of large scale agricultural practices, that increased the rate and speed of the carbon cycle which increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere allowing the interglacial period of time to be extended, enough to prevent the planet from entering another and final glaciation phase. Then came the industrial age of not just mankind but also of the planet. Mankind's introduction of around 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere has caused both Global Warming and Climate change but has also given us the ability of there being enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to now start the replanting process of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, which can only be done by finding ways to get water to those areas in great enough amounts to do so! We have the technology, we have the "labor force" we have the freshwater, what we lack is the understanding of the need and reason why it is needed! Mankind's needs to solve many of our current issues, food deserts, migration refugees, inequalities in social justice, cleaning up the oceans, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, all could be solved by the "Plan"! "Life cycle of a planet by Dan Kadavy" has that complete plan, it can be found at, https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com I can be reached at 402-890-8946. Thank you, Dan
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