S 2 is still for statistics, Whenever I do a post that talks about Statistics and numbers I get the fewest "hits", why is that?

       Many people, seem to think that math is the most boring, difficult, mundane, and most likely to be twisted to give one side or the other, reason to believe something that is not true! I myself almost always distrust when % is included, for instance, someone will state that a bank is the fastest growing bank in the whole country at a 100% growth rate when you check this out, last year there was only one bank, and this year they opened up one more bank, which does technically mean that the bank grew by 100% in a 12 month period! While a much larger banking system went from having 5,000 banks, and in the following year added 50 more banks for only a 1% growth rate. Yes, math can be made to mislead and has been used on numerous occasions to do so. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is one place that people will use % to influence us (with I believe their, and our best intentions at stake) they will state that mankind has caused a doubling of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the ice ages first started 2.5 million years ago. Technically again quite accurate. 2.5 million years ago carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were between 180 and 200 parts per million, triggering the first series of ice ages, not exactly what I would worry about, when trying to say that mankind is harmful in causing extreme weather!                                                       There are two very fundamental differences, in using % or parts per million when talking about how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere. When this planet came together around 4.5 billion years ago, the amount of carbon in the atmosphere was much like our "sister" planet Venus is like now. Because on Venus there never was any carbon-based life that simply took over in changing the planet's atmosphere, it is still in its primordial state. If you would take and convert the 96% carbon in the atmosphere of the planet, to parts per million, that would become 960,000 parts per million, quite a bit more than our 415 parts per million, but even this huge difference does not really tell the full story, for Venus atmosphere is 92 times denser then our planets atmosphere, using math and parts per million 960,000 divided by 415 parts per million on Earth you get 2,313 times more carbon dioxide in Venus's atmosphere then Earth but taking into account the much denser atmosphere of Venus you need to multiply that 2,313 times 92 atmosphere's and you end up with 212,819 times as much carbon in Venus's atmosphere as our own! I have always used the estimation that scientists have come up with of 100,000,000 million gigatonnes of carbon being sequestrated out of the Earth's atmosphere and are then stored mainly in rocks such as limestone, marble, and other types of sedimentary rocks. However, if the calculation that was recently done when the space probe "Magellan" reported back the data collected on Venus's atmosphere there seems to be quite a bit more carbon in Venus's atmosphere than on all of the estimated carbon on our planet. The amount of carbon in the atmosphere of Venus totals around 175,255,200 gigatonnes. While the high side estimate of sequestrated carbon on Earth is only 100,000,000 gigatonnes. Expectations of both planets having somewhat similar composition at the start of their birth either maybe not quite right, or there may be quite a bit of carbon on this planet not taken into consideration. "My guess" is that it is a lot easier to calculate carbon in the atmosphere of a planet than it is to calculate the carbon buried deep underground by tectonic action. If we were to guess that as much carbon is driven down deeper into the Earth by tectonic action as is raised up as plates collide, then those calculation's would fit the scenario of "like amounts on like interior planets" (good thing I am not a scientist and would need to prove what I just speculated on!) Isn't being an arm-chair Quarterback great! When someone rambles as much as I do it takes a lot longer to get statistics across so until my next post I will be staying on with getting more numbers out there. "sorry" I can still be reached at 402-890-7946, or by G-mail @ <daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com> You all need to tell others, secretes have there time and place, but not at the expense of life! Thank you, Dan Anyone who wishes to can also go to my blog to see around 430 other posts about the most important topic that the planet has ever faced. https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com


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