T is for "Things that we wish were True" But unfortunately are probably not true. Of course some things simply have a different name then we use.

        Magic, in past times, almost anything that people did not understand was considered this. And many women were killed in the process, for being witches along with a few men, but there were always men who wanted women to be only cooks, cleaners, and to be used in bed. And had no problem with using falsehoods and anything else at their disposal to stop strong-minded women from gaining respect or power in a community.                                                                                                                                                            

    Time travel, other than time slowing down, for that traveling at speeds that get closer to the speed of light, is again most unlikely in relation to those not traveling at those speeds. Yet there is one exception to this, the speed of light is a very exact number so we can see back in time to what the universe was like with a powerful enough telescope because the light that has been traveling for billions of years and has just now reached our planet has stored in it much that we can interpret from those light waves.


    Telekinesis or psychokinesis, or the ability to move things with your mind, it's nice to think about and makes great science fiction stories, but how would you place limits on the plotline, otherwise there would be no boundaries of what could or could not be done. Telepathic also fall in this same boundary-less scenario.         

    And we must not forget "Superpowers, strength, flight, speed, invisibility, that list can be quite a long one. Perhaps one super-power does seem to exist, "MONEY and POWER" that may work in many ways, many of them very secret, and therefore even more powerful.                                                                                           

    The one thing that almost everyone on this planet believes is true, but is absolutely NOT TRUE, is that this planet can get along quite well without mankind on the planet! For over 3 billion years there has been abundant life on this planet, but it also has had to "ever so slowly" adapt to change in the density and makeup of the gases in the atmosphere of the planet! There has always been "one most important gas" that has been an indispensable requirement for life on this planet in two distinct ways, "carbon in the form of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere"! The first way, is the fact that all life on the planet needs carbon to survive, we are all carbon-based lifeforms, the second way, is that without carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in amounts above 180 parts per million, the energy received from the sun will not be enough to stop the next and never-ending ice age!  But the best part of all of this is that the way to repair the planet is good for just about every species on the planet, including mankind!                                                                                                 

    So T is also for Truth, Truth is many times hard to find and even harder to recognize in this world of everyone out to make a buck no matter what the cost to the truth. Mankind has, at last, come to realize that "us" being on this planet has at least postponed the start of the next ice age that should have started around 3,000 to 5,000 years ago based on past inter-glacier periods, over one hundred generations before the start of our industrial revolution. It was mankind's need to turn to agriculture to feed an ever-increasing population that hunting and gathering could no longer do, that increased the speed of the carbon cycle so that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would remain high enough to keep the planet warm enough, to postpone the next, and last, and never-ending, ice age from returning. We like to say "The Truth Will Out" but this really seldom happens, without a lot of effort and a little luck thrown in. So the best we can do is dig deep into the facts of what we think may have some merit, and if we find truth in what is being talked about, let others know, if it ends up not fulling its merits then at least you help bring about the truth, but if you can not find anything wrong in the questions and answers given, then you will have helped bring out a new truth. Dan, as always I can be reached 24/7 at 402-890-7946, or by G-mail @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or tell others that there are over 400 other posts talking about the "plan" that can be downloaded @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  Without others spreading the word on the "only workable way to save the planet," we face a very uncertain world for our children!


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