W is for water! When we think of water on this planet we think of life, yet many of the people of the planet has never even been on an ocean.
Over 1/3 of the people on the planet live within 60 miles of an ocean or sea, but that leaves 2/3 who do not. I did not see an ocean until I was 22 years old so when I think of water, I do not think of saltwater but freshwater and plants that grow on land, yet 85% of plant life is in the oceans of the world, with mankind making use of, just a tiny fraction of that food or energy source! I talk always about sequestration as "why" this planet is running out of carbon, along with other necessary nutrients for life, yet there seems to be no end to available water on the planet "yes of course droughts occur regularly around the world, but that is a direct result of low carbon dioxide in the atmosphere limiting plant life and its following respiration that would have produced, cloud cover and the accompanying rainfall!" But this leads to why almost everything on the planet is in some way lost to plant life except water and energy from the sun? The sun's energy is slowly increasing because of the nature of fusion and how it uses hydrogen as its energy source and is completely out of the planet's ability to change any part of that naturally occurring condition. Yet water seems to not be affected by "theory dissipation" or sometimes worded as "entropy" The planets Venus and Mars both show that a planet's water can be removed, yet somehow Earth has not shown any signs of this process in billions of years, however water-vapor in the atmosphere has declined considerably in the last 3 million years, but again I see that as a direct result of the sequestration of carbon over the last 3 billion years, and not caused by "theory dissipation" or "entropy"! Is carbon sequestration an example of entropy or is it to be considered simply, a fact that nothing can ever be 100% recycled in an enclosed system. I believe that back in the "early 1990s, Biosphere 2" tried to recreate an Earth-like environment to see if we really could find solutions that would work to keep both mankind and the environment in balance. After two years, they claimed success in doing so, however, it came out much later that several problems had developed, the first one being that food production was not enough to fulfill the needs of the inhabitance, but the more concerning problem, was the loss of oxygen in the atmosphere dropped to the point where steps had to be made that corrected this new imbalance. I saw then and I still see now, that I considered Biosphere 2 was a success, it demonstrated just how interconnected all life on the planet is, and more importantly just how easy it is to forget how tied to this planet mankind is! We learn much more, from when things do not go as planned, as we can learn from when everything goes as we designed it to go. Which never happens the first time around! Let's talk more about "W is for water next time"! Please, only by you telling others, can we get this most important need to repair our planet, to enough people to start a meaningful conversation. I can be reached in the USA at 402-890-7946, to contact me by E-mail at <daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com> to read more you can go to <https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com> Thank you, Dan
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