W is still for water, without sufficient rainfall plant life even over the oceans suffer. Rainfall and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are linked!

         There is a very direct link between carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and rainfall totals both locally and worldwide. Yet mankind has no way to easily see that connection, because once a rainfall pattern and plantlife respiration are established, which can take many decades to do, we base our observation not on what caused the pattern to become established in the first place, but why they are varying with-in recent memory? This is part of the fallacy that mankind uses, to both say that what mankind does, has little or no overall effort on such a large planet, or that everything that mankind does has to be considered a negative on the planet eco-system! In both cases, mankind needs to go back no farther than our own appearance on the planet, for if we can not affect the planet because it is too large to do so, then what is happening must be a common cycle that the planet goes through over time and let's see how we can live with-in those cycles, but lets only go back in time to our own record-keeping to see what we can expect! If however, we are a negative on the planet, then we only have to go back to mankind's appearance, to judge how we have caused these problem's to either appear or to happen!                                                                                                  So both sides of the Global Warming, Climate Change issue are using mankind timeframe on the planet as the only period of time that matters! While in truth this is the only timeframe that has almost nothing to do with what the planet is facing, it is simply the last hurrah and mankind, it's last hope! Water, sunlight, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, while not the only requirement's for life, is by far the three most important. Mankind can do nothing to change the Sun, needs to do little to change the water but keep it cleaner than we have been doing, There is now enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to start replanting, the arid and semi-arid areas of this planet, using every cubic mile of freshwater that we can redirect, or cause to be more plentiful as rain. We have the technology, we have the willing population, we have the need, what we lack is the foresight to look outside the current beliefs of either side of the issue, so that a new perspective can be raised that not only explains every observation that mankind has witnessed but also creates positive feedbacks for helping to rebuild the temperature regulation ability of the planet! I can be reached at 402-890-7946 To read the complete cause and the way to repair the planet you can go to <https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com> Thank you, Dan


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