Y is for You, For without You, the whole idea of how mankind needs to repair the planet by using the "plan" will simply fall into the "dust of time"!

     Yes, I can shout loud and long, on what the planet is facing, but without others listening, checking out the facts, and telling others, who will listen to a 64-year-old home-builder, with no credentials, just using other peoples information to understand what they themselves have not put together.                                                      When you want to build a top-secret machine, that you do not have the ability to do yourself, and still keep it secret, how do you do that? You break down the machine into hundreds of little parts and have a hundred different companies building just one small component and sending each one to you, where you can take these hundreds of parts and make your secret machine with no one else knowing that they had any part in what the end product was to become. This is somewhat how scientific discoveries have become, everyone just looking very deeply, at just one small fragment of how the planet works, and no one truly understands how the whole fits together. I use the concept of 100 blind people trying to explain something both as simple and complex as a car, by only using their other senses, how would someone try and take 100 points of views, that are all in some way compromised, to not just understand what a car is but how to understand how to make one work?                                                                                                                          For 50 years I was following all of the trails, that others had researched, NASA's was very instrumental in much of my own research, not just with their satellite reconnaissance of the Earth, but of the other planets as well. But there was simply so much data, from so many researchers around the planet, much of the data conflicted with their own conclusions. Looking too closely at one aspect, expecting similar responses to only closely related observations. Since I was looking at the timeline of the planet and not just mankind's part of that timeline, and not looking to make mankind the bad-guy, I saw that what was happening had everything to do with available carbon being the driving force behind Global Warming and Climate Change, and not only as a greenhouse gas. Then once I was sure all of the connections fit a long pattern of carbon loss through sequestration, I was wrong to sit on this information for over 10 years! My belief was that all of the information was now out there and within a short period of time someone in the scientific community would do as I had done and put all of this knowledge together and a plan would be put together to face the problem head-on, as there is only one way forward to repair the planet. So now it is up to "YOU" to do what I am having a very hard time drawing attention to! The "plan" is the way forward for so many reasons, yet for whatever reason, those's of you who are downloading my posts are not passing this information on! YOU need to do so! Dan 

    No one ever really knows how an invention will end up being used. Bell's invention of the telephone was meant to somehow help deaf people hear, now almost everyone carries one around with them for so many different uses, and one use is to convert sounds into readable words. but many people have been needed to make Mr. Bell's invention do that! 

     Everyone, who tries to understand why Global Warming and Climate Change are happening has had to contend with a certain bias against mankind in the belief that mankind is so interested in making as much money as possible, that without oversite they will always take the cheapest path forward in doing so. History has proven this many times both in the past and this is still happening today, so there are reasons for this belief to be held! 77 years ago or so scientists set forth a "Doomsday Clock" worried that we would blow the planet up with newly designed atomic weapons! Because of these warnings, mankind really started to enforce safety Procol's on almost every aspect of corporation and governmental involvement of anything that seemed to threaten the planet. This made great progress forward in reducing pollution, stopping depletion of the ozone layer, and leading to many nuclear treaties, But in doing all of this with always corporation complaining of the cost factors, this only reinforced mankind's opinion of the truth that greed had to be kept in check whenever money and the actions best for the planet were at stake!

    With all of this negativity going on about how it always seems to come down to "Mankind vs The Planet" that's when scientists started talking about Global Warming and Climate Change, everyone's first response is how is mankind hurting the planet now! Or from the other side of the aisle, "What are those tree huggers blaming us for now"? There has never been a regulation agency, that works the way that its charter was first set up, either its ruling authority is politically biased, or its ruling authority is deemed not extensive enough to fulfill its agenda and begin re-writing its own charter to instill more official power in its policies making abilities, with either little or no oversite by whoever wrote the original charter. What this all comes down to is that neither side is interested in seeing another point of view of how carbon sequestration is at the heart of why the planet needs mankind!  

     Here's hoping that someone out there in cyberspace, will actually click the button to send, and or, comment, calling would be even better I think, to do so, I can be reached @ 402-890-7946, or by E-mail, @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com   there are now over 440 additional posts showing in more detail how the "plan" would work, to read them go to   https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  Thank you, Daniel James Kadavy (Here is a subliminal message for everyone The "plan" works)


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