Z is for Zero-in-on the only "plan" that will do everything, rebuild the planet's temperature regulating abilities, plus solving our refugee problem!
The "plan" if done as I have laid out, will do all of the following. 1) Go very far in cleaning our seas and oceans of the planet. 2) Rebuild much of the lost temperature-regulating ability of the planet. 3) Reduce, as much of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet as possible. 4) Decrease and eliminate sea-level changes. 5) Re-build the amount of ice being staged on the planet. 6) Increase the food production of the planet by at least 25%. 7) increase sole property ownership of 20-acre farm sites by at least 100,000,000 spread out over the whole planet. 8) Help greatly in reducing freshwater needs both for drinking and farming around the planet. 9) There will no longer be "red tides" caused by nitrogen run-off. 10) Reduce temperature extremes around the planet and in doing so will decrease extreme weather. 11) Reduce both poverty and the ever-increasing gap between both rich and poor nations. 12) Improve the infrastructure of most of the planet, and in doing so increase access to a much greater buying and selling population. 13) Improve mankind's overall health by decreasing sun exposure, and increasing humidity in the atmosphere, 14) Improve mankind's overall ability to travel, and in doing so reduce tensions between counties. 15) And the best part of all of this, besides saving all carbon-based life on the planet, is that any upfront cost will quickly be repaid by the new goods and services that the "plan" will produce. I could at this point type "win" "win" 15 times but there will be even more benefits than just the few that I have listed.
Moving water, and re-planting arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, are the best way forward to creating a peaceful planet. Allowing people the chance to live a fulfilling life where their children can grow up without, fear of hunger, war, hate, all of the things that people who do not have enough, will use as a pretext to kill others! (Well not everyone needs a reason to hate, I hope that hate is not simply a necessary evil, for some of mankind to engage in because of our DNA). The only way to start all of this, is by getting the word out to the masses, tell your friends, your families! There is an excellent way forward for all of mankind and all life on the planet. This is not however a way for more millionaires, or billionaires to make money, but for everyone else who dreams of a better life for themselves and their children's children. Call, Write, Engage others, but do not just sit on the sidelines and think that either the planet is already doomed, or others will figure out the way forward. Well, I have, but can not do this alone!
I can be reached 24/7 by phone in Nebraska, USA @ 402-890-7946, or by G-mail if you are not comfortable on the phone @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com if you would like more information about how the "plan" would work and why it is so important going forward there are over 425 posts of around 500 word each that will explain why and how! Go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Dan
Unfortunately, the largest obstacles to getting the only way to "save the planet" made into a working plan, are the wealthy and politicians, otherwise known as the people in "Power"!
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