397 Written words are what makes mankind different from every other species, not communication or opposable thumbs.

    Until the written word, mankind could only pass on knowledge the same way that animals do by showing their young. Have you ever watch birds teaching their young how to fly and land on different objects, it is really quite funny. I was taking down an old barn and there were hundreds of barn swallows teaching their young how to land on a tin roof that was built at a 12/12 pitch (45-degree angle "steep") as the young tried to copy the parents they would start sliding down the slick roof and even tumble off of it, it took a whole morning for the parents to teach their young the tricks of landing on that roof. The trick was to land on the ridge built into each piece to give the tin strength and better yet to land on the screws that held the tin down, but just landing on the flat tin would cause the slide and then tumble off of the roof. The next morning, they again practiced landing but only for a short time, as everyone had remembered how to do it. 

    Only once mankind could begin to pass on knowledge from one generation to the next and not just by showing or having stories told, that ended up being an easier way of remembering, but by writing down knowledge that anyone could read did mankind start to make real advances forward. to this day the ability to read and understand what you are reading is how we advance the whole human race. But now much of what we read is not truths, but lies used to advance an agenda or misrepresent deeds or make people appear better or worse than what really happened. We use the freedom of speech to justify these lies or say that they are opinions and can not be prevented from others reading a direct misrepresent of the truth. A perfect example of this in America is the spreading of false information of voter fraud about the 2020 presidential election, which is being used as a guise, to redo who can and can not easily vote in the next election, leaving many out of the process due to the new restrictions as has also many times been done in the past! 

    When we not only allow but condone the printing of lies and misrepresentation of the truth, as freedom of speech, the results can have much longer and even more serious consequences than yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. One action can lead to direct injury or even death, but the other can cause a subtle but even more damaging long-term effect on how we perceive what is true.  Mankind's past is more a made-up history of the past than about what really happened, whenever one winning faction narrative, is the only version of the "truth" allowed. 

    When talking about Global Warming and Climate Change, the only narrative's that the public is being allowed to see is 1) it is all mankind fault and we need to stop everything that we are doing to repair it, or 2) mankind has little or no ability to adversely affect the Global Climate and change is simply a constant state of affairs for life on the planet. (yes a simplification of a very complex issue and differing points of views) However, as I have stated over and over again, neither side are seeing the total picture of life changes on the planet as being directly affected by the gas make-up of the atmosphere, by that very life itself. Mankind's inability to even start to comprehend 3.5 Billion years of carbon-based life being on the planet and how that life has caused unimaginable changes over that span of time, it is just so much simpler to see the changes that mankind has brought to the planet in our own lifetimes. Who over the age of 20 has not said things like I remember when this area was only a cornfield, not 200 houses that all look the same. (my apologies to those who never even has seen a cornfield, let alone a place without buildings) 

    With the loss of truth in almost every aspect of our lives, and our simple acceptance of that loss, as a necessary evil of modern society and the way we receive our information while making billionaires out of those who control information. We have both opened the world to everyone, and closed much of the truth to everyone at the same time! I can be reached by phone at 402-890-7946 or by G-mail at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com to read more, there are almost 400 posts that describe both why the planet is at, where it is at, and how to repair it in a timely fashion, that not only benefits the life on the planet but also increases mankind ability to help everyone on the planet in some way! Go to my blog site, yes a blog site at https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  Thank you, and please tell others, yes you may lose some acquaintances, but you may gain much more if you have the strength to try. Dan


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