401 There are so many critical issues that mankind is now facing, from global warming and climate change, to religious and ethnic conflicts.
Even the struggles between rich and poor nations and the resulting mass fleeing of the most oppressed. The "plan" would go a very long way in solving many of these issues! Let's start with the "refugee problem" the "plan" will require untold millions to work and make the "plan" a reality in just one or two generations, so we are talking about giving many millions of families hope for now and far into the future of living a good life where there are their own bosses, with the need for just about every type of worker in the world, from engineers and architects, to school teachers and day-care workers, electricians and plumbers, farmers and fish hatchery personal, entertainers and artists, and every other type of worker needed to facilitate an ongoing community who's main objective is the replanting of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet
Religious and ethnic conflicts would be reduced by schooling and training others on both similarities and customs of all different religions! Plus allowing all religions to be practiced but not allowing it to dictate to anyone to believe or not to believe others' beliefs, or to follow any doctrine that would belittle others. This does include women of course! Working together towards a greater good for all of humanity and all carbon-based life on the planet would give everyone a feeling of sharing a common goal. Not unlike athletic team's followers, that share a common goal of seeing their team win. Many things in life are much simpler than people realize, if people have access to fair housing, decent food, and work that has meaning for them, and the freedom to decide their own fate regardless of their sex, skin color, or faith, then that goes a very long way in making a happy society no matter where on the planet you live. That is exactly what the "plan" will do.
Yes, the early years will be harder than later years, trying to move so much water with so many countries wanting a say on everything that could make them money, even if, in the end, the waters will only allow being taken just as it entered into a sea or ocean. Even then many will see the great potential in this freshwater and may decide to take it back after it has been diverted only after much work and effort! While freshwater from streams and rivers has the advantage of also containing nutrients, there will also be work in cleaning up contamination that will also have entered somewhere along its travels.
The one type of increasing freshwater that will not need to be cleaned up but also will not have any nutrients in it will be increased rainfall by spraying huge amounts of sea and ocean water into the atmosphere to greatly increase evaporation and moister levels to increase rainfall many hundreds of miles inland. There will need to be a whole new science, designed on how best to use this type of rainfall to mankind's advantage.No one would want to be the reason for floods or storms that cause more harm than the increased rainfall would provide benefits.
Is there anyone out there who would like to help me put the "plan" into a concise book form by using all of my blogs as a starting point? If so please get in touch either by calling me @ 1-402-890-7946 or by contacting me @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com
While there has never been a "need before" for creating such a very large workforce to repair the planet, had someone in government somewhere had the foresight to do just that, in hope of creating more independent working and thinking individuals, the whole world would be better off today, in so many ways!
Thank you for reading, Dan
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