402 For the last 6,000 years river travel by boats and rafts was one of the few way to move heavy loads easily!

     But that also required mankind to allow vast amounts of freshwater to flow into seas and oceans where that freshwater could no longer be used for plant life on land to flourish. Billions and billions of dollars of freshwater are lost every day of every year all over the planet with people dying from famine due to the lack of freshwater to grow crops! There are new ways to produce energy that has the ability to move and pump every drop of that water many miles to places that could use all of that water for life to grow.

So what are the options? The best option is to divert river water everywhere that it can be diverted, that would use gravity flow and the least pumping action needed to get freshwater to places that will benefit the planet most by replanting and growing both food and ground cover. Then by converting river traffic of boats and ships that would normally move the goods that mankind needs moving to other types of transportation, yes that can still include using water in some way but in a more controlled manner so less chance of accidents, but with more economical use of energy. Ideally, of course, is that water is slowed down at the point of contact with each farm, town, city, state, so that erosion is kept to a minimum, and flooding is stopped before it can happen! By directing water in this manner, control is much easier and the need for massive dikes, dams, and water diversion projects are not needed even though the overall effect is actually much greater than these massive projects. Mankind seems to think that bigger is always better, here is where you may say, DAN you are asking mankind to prevent every drop of freshwater from entering any ocean or sea, what could possibly be a bigger project than that! If mankind decides to only allow the freshwater to be collected at the mouth of these rivers then we are talking about many massive projects all over the planet, but if we start everything at the beginning then the resulting dams at these river mouths will be only a fraction of what otherwise would be needed. 

    As always I can be reached in the U.S. at 402-890-7946, my G-mail is <daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com> or to read more, everyone can go to <https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com> I saw a cartoon yesterday where a guy was at a computer and talking to his wife at the same time, saying that he had just figured out something that no one else in the whole world had done so, not any scientist or politician, his wife has her back to him and says yes right dear and is walking away. I can easily see people seeing me as that guy, thinking that I must be quite full of myself to think that only I have figured out our planet's lifecycle. But in reality, there have been hundreds of thousands of people who have done just that, see a problem and come up either with an explanation or a solution. I was not trying to solve Global Warming, but for 40 years just trying to find out the true reason for the start of ice ages around 2.5 million years ago, and why they would come and go, once I did that, "using knowledge gained by the work of thousands of people". That was over 10 years ago, and yes I then waited for a long time for scientists to work out the same thing I did and get that knowledge out there. Somehow seeing things in a new way seems to have to be an individual idea, no one seems to like "rocking the boat" and having others tell them they do not understand!  We all have the tendency of both wanting to follow the crowd, and needed to earn a living in whatever capacity we can. Thank you, Dan 


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