403 Two years now since I first wrote "life cycle of a planet". Explaining in just 12 pages how life is self limiting on any planet in the universe!

    Everything that I have stated, has been worked out by others, mostly in the last 200 years! With all of the information out there, that I have just put in order, so others could easily and quickly verify. Yet I have seen no evidence that anything is being done on that score. No contact from any of the 10,000 plus hits over that time frame, I have to wonder why!

    Why is the Earth slowly cooling down in its core? Its mass seems to be fairly constant "some would even argue that the planet is very slowly increasing its mass due to dust from outer space" and that mass, is what much of the core's heat comes from, my best guess is the breakdown of the radioactive material that was present at the time of the planet's birth, in the beginning, the heat generated by this material would have added a great deal of heat to a very active Earth's core which directly drives the tectonic plates of the crust of the planet! Over the next 4.5 billion years the breakdown of that material into less and less energy-producing compounds every so slowly ends up generating less plate tectonics, which is truly the largest source of long-term carbon recycling. It seems that both of our neighboring planets Venus and Mars, are quite different than the Earth in this very important aspect, neither seems to have a truly active core leading to minimal plate formation or movement, resulting in very little magnetic protection from the Sun's rays for either planet! The reason for this aspect of our neighboring planet is different for each planet, Venus lacks a rotational speed that allows magnetism to occur and Mars's much smaller size allowed its core to simply cooled down faster, and that limited the amount of magnetism that it now has!

    Mankind wakes up every day to a stable planet, that allows life to exist, taking for granted that this will never change, unless mankind were to destroy the planet by nuclear war! Or if another asteroid were to hit the planet doing the same. Yet we believe that in time even then life would continue, it would have just been another extinction event that the planet has seen before and simply took in stride. Well, that can not happen if mankind no longer remains a viable species on the planet because of either event!!!

    I can not stress this enough, only "A THINKING and ACTING SPECIES" can maintain life on this planet! Even with a species that has the ability to think is not enough, understanding and then acting on that knowledge is crucial, and taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere by any method except to replant the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet will result in the reduction of the length of time that carbon life has on the planet without even greater interference on our part! 

    The lost 10 years from the time that I finally put all of the pieces of the puzzle together and when I realize that no one was even looking at the true nature of the problem of Global Warming and Climate change, was my fault, however since August 2019, I have tried everything that I know to draw interest to what is happening, contacting many people who are supposed to be working on the problem, but to no avail! I am not a teenager standing out in all types of weather where journalists will take notice, on a topic that many already believe in and can rally around, or a scientist with 30 papers and 5 books who can gather others of like-minded that can attract attention. Instead, I am a builder in my 60's who has no standing in any scientific community, with an explanation that goes against the grain that mankind is not the devil in everything to do with what is wrong with the planet! In many things, yes but in actuality, we have already kept the planet from entering the next, last, and neverending "ICE AGE"! Yes perhaps in a million years with the planet in another snow-ball Earth stage, the ice pressure on the continents will depress the plates of the planet enough to reactivate the dormant volcano's to allow the restart of life, with another 100,000 years of explosions all over the planet, but maybe the core is by then, will simply be to cool to do so, I myself would not want to wager on that possibility! 

    Reach me by Phone @ 402-890-7946, or by G-mail @ <daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com>, or to read more or tell others how to do so, you can go to <https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com> It would be very nice to at least get one person to do any of that! Dan


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