405 Cause and effect! When mankind HAD to change from "hunter gather" to an "agricultural based sociality" to be able to feed a growing population.
Everything on the planet also changed. Hindsight is a wonderful thing if we make use of the knowledge that we learn, which seldom happens, mistakes of the past are constantly being repeated. Wars are an excellent example of this, but we still try to explain why this war or that war really does not fall into the same category as past wars!
Once mankind, went from a nomadic, follow the food source, into an agricultural stay in one place lifecycle everything started to change. Mankind now had a stable place to set down buildings, homes, and all of the necessary requirements, for life to advance. But at a cost of clearing lands for agricultural usage and crop development. No longer dependent on nature to provide a food source that was never as consistent as people would like or need, mankind started to manage their surroundings to improve on it, for their benefit.
All of these requirements multiplied many times over the whole planet, speeding up the mid-term length carbon cycle, and in the process increased the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere high enough to keep the planet from entering into another ice age that had been due to happen, about 3,000 years ago. Only now, thousands of years later can we connect mankind's actions then, too much of what we are dealing with today. Cause and effect! But simply bungling our way forward, hoping that we understand enough to repair the planet by "guesswork" is no longer an option. 3,000 years ago with many fewer people on the planet, yet we were able to change the course of the planet climate enough to prevent the total collapse of carbon-based life, completely unaware of how mankind was doing so. No longer is there enough stored carbon dioxide in the waters of the seas and oceans of the planet to lift the planet out of yet another ice age.
Was all of this just "stupid luck" or "fantastic timing" who knows, but there is plenty of past empires on this planet that we do not understand? Empire's thousands of years old in many different places on the planet, what they accomplished is mind-boggling with much of it not even understood let alone how it had been done, with what we "believe" they had to work with. Mankind's knowledge is just starting the very slow climb to understanding, I am assuming that we will not even recognize our world in just 100 years from now. There is only one way forward for mankind, if we wish for carbon-based life on the planet to continue, the "plan" or otherwise know as "Life cycle of a planet by Daniel James Kadavy" is that way forward. Everything else is just window dressing and doing the "BLAME GAME"!
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