410 I do read some of what people are writing about Global Warming and Climate change, but there is too much to read by half and still misinformed.

     But little parts of my plan seem to be slowly creeping into some of the writing I have read. Cloud cover as helping to increase sunlight reflected back into space, and using plant covering to reduce the amount of sunlight being converted into heat upon contact with bare ground, and instead changing it into energy for plant growth! Then just yesterday using water from the Pacific Ocean to replenish Lake Mead, of course, they will need to desalinate the water to make the water potable, instead of collecting all of the natural freshwaters and not allowing any of it to enter the seas and oceans in the first place. In doing water collection this way, manmade pollution is never allowed into the seas and oceans, all of the run-off silts, loam and clay soils, and farm nutrients, are recycled back onto agricultural lands. 

    Picking and choosing what parts of the "plan" can make themselves money, will never come close to doing what needs to be done to re-establish the planet's lost temperature-regulating ability.

     Read the "plan", verify that it will do everything that scientists are saying needs to be done to stop Climate Change. Then get enough people to understand why this is the only way forward, and let's make it happen! Jumping on the "bandwagon" has always been the way to get things done. Advertising can work wonders, if it is the right message, with the correct solution! Dan


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