412 My last post was about how much carbon dioxide was in each planet's atmosphere (Venus, and the Earth's) 4.5 billion years ago!
Why is this relevant? That was so long ago and are there not many possible explanations for each atmosphere as it is now? I do not believe that there are other explanations that fit. Life has caused the massive changes that the Earth has seen over the 3.5 billion years that life has been on the planet. while on Venus no matter how much of the carbon dioxide has increased in its atmosphere due to volcano production over that same time frame it still had the same total percentage-wise of carbon on each planet in the beginning.
On Earth, plant and animal life would always cause the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to become sequestered over time while on Venus there was no such chain of events that would pull carbon dioxide out of the planet's atmosphere in any great amounts. Perhaps some would precipitate out of the atmosphere but there would be little chance of that causing any long-term effects on a total load of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Any gases would feel the need to rise above any solid rock on such a thick atmosphere as Venus has.
Life is always the leading cause of the removal of those things that life needs to continue! Doesn't this seem completely at odds with what life needs to continue? It is only the Earth's vast atmosphere and size at the beginning that allowed life to continue for so long! Plus with a very active inner core that helped in replacing sequestrated carbon and nutrients since the beginning of life. The size of our planet was the main redeeming quantity that allowed mankind to reach the point where we could begin influencing the carbon cycle before all life died out. Had we been 1,000 years longer in reaching the state we are in now, very possible we would have been too late or maybe we could have been 2,000 or 3,000 years in a state much like the middle ages and still been able to save the planet I do not know. Way too many variable factors to even make an educated guess at! Maybe two or three very large volcanoes could have given us the time needed to advance enough?
We are here now with (hopefully) enough intelligence to begin understanding the true nature of our planet's needs. The last 2 years of my blog site have not created the necessary groundswell to steer us in the right direction. Seemingly we still lack the ability to look outside the (box) to begin seeing what is staring us in the face! We need to understand that while we are not without blame for the pollution and damage we have caused this planet, yet we are its only hope!
Reach me at, 402-890-7946, or by G-mail at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com, or you and others can read in more detail the only way forward for saving all carbon-based life on the planet at, https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com, Thank you, but get up off of your seat and do something! Dan
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