413 Life is a series of growth, replenish, and death. If replenish (birth) is less then death, extinction for that species over time is to be expected.

     The reasons why replenishment may be less than death rates can be caused by many factors, but normally in most of life, a balance is struck where replenishment is very much greater than the ones doing the replenishment because so few make it to maturity! The number of seeds that most plants produce is thousands of times greater than needed because of this. Many times the species at what we consider the top of the food chain needs to limit their reproduction to fit their food source. Lions, wolves, only allow the pack's leaders to mate and produce young that all the rest protect. Meaning that there are many more"Aunts" than mother's, and "uncles" are driven off or killed! 

    Even with many of the top predator's food sources, while most females are bred to produce the necessary next-generation, many times only one male is allowed to mate many females and only after proving their strength and intelligence over other males, giving each offspring the best-proven genes to advance each generation, while the females genes advance only by surviving to maturity and therefore proving their worth! 

    While mankind has used many of these same traits as other species, over its lifetime, wars where rape and conquest have been used to spread only certain genes, or males having many sexual partners either by polygamy or being chosen often by women who see them as the one who will give their offspring the best chance of improvement! Mankind has also made many ways that have lead to maintaining the status quo, while not entertaining the best ability for the improvement of each generation! Even going so far as to becoming inbred either by lack of choices of mates, or the mistaken beliefs of "Royalty or Nobility bloodlines" We have even gone so far as to make laws that try and preserve the "purity" of the "racial bloodlines" A small case could be made that World War II was in some way about this belief!

    Okay, Dan, we see this on PBS all the time how is this relevant to Global Warming, Climate Change, and Carbon sequestration? Why because it show's us that yes many things about life on this planet can be fairly easily understood without digging very deeply! The here and now can explain many things, that can be talked about so that most everyone can understand and feel that it all makes sense to them! But this is not the problem that all life is facing that needs to be addressed! It is about seeing our planet, our home, the only place mankind can now survive on! In a completely different way and on a much deeper level than just that "mankind is a selfish, unnecessary, plight on the planet" and would it not be so much nicer if we could live as one with the planet instead of it being mankind against the planet! Make you think back to tied-died t-shirts, and flower power. Simpler in this case is not the answer! "All living as one with the planet" will only get us is that much closer to the end of all carbon-based life on the planet and just that much faster! 

    We need to understand how each tiny change in the atmosphere of the planet caused plant life to adapt and when did that adaptation process begin to fail and cause the creation of deserts and semi-arid areas of the planet to begin affecting the temperature-regulating ability of the planet? That one poorly written question is what mankind needs to see as the underlying cause for all of the problems our planet and ourselves are facing in the near future! The long-term future is somewhat different in that it requires mankind to continue being a viable species on the planet! Yes, the belief that mankind can disappear from the planet, and that life will continue on its merry way forever into the future is poppycock!!! Mankind and all carbon-based life on this planet will forever be intertwined from now on. When either one starts to die out, so will the other, it will just be a matter of time "no need for an exclamation mark here", what will happen will be a slow process of death, like cancer slowly taking away what life needs to survive, not like a heart attack quick and it is done.

    30 second sound bites are so much easier to understand and respond to than reading a 12-page paper like so many people that I have given my paper to have informed me! So here I go trying to explain in a 30-second read!

    4.5 billion years ago Earth came into being, 3.5 billion years ago life started with an atmosphere of 190 million gigatonnes of carbon dioxide in it. Over time that carbon dioxide has dwindled down to 800 gigatonnes in the atmosphere by the death and burial of life. Deserts were then being created because there was not enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for life to be everywhere on the planet, the planet lost enough of its cloud cover due to this lack of plant ground cover, for extreme weather to become the norm.

     Concise and to the point, no explanations, no rational, but basically correct in the presentation of how the planet got to this point in time. One of my friends who was having a difficult time reading the 12-page paper read the above line in around 30 seconds, the second time around. To think that I have tried to reduce the life of the planet down to a 30-second soundbite, and there are people that like that, is scary! 

      As always I can be reached by phone @ 402-890-7946, or by G-mail @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com, or to read an expanded version of my 30-second sound-bite go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Dan


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