416 President Bilden has put forth a very ambitious infrastructure plan that is supposed to cost 3.5-4.5 trillion dollars.

    Those numbers are actually stagging but those costs are now normal for anything done by any governmental agency! The "plan" would never survive such expensive contracts, bid out by massive companies that have million-dollar-per-day coffee expenses, and use billion-dollar-one-time-use boring machines, along with the guaranteed cost over-runs, and the time delay that normally happens on every big job. At the end of each project, people would be let go after being paid, instead of now taking over the farm-store-business-home that they would be paid as their profit from the work that they and their families did. 

    The need for the water that would be prevented from entering and contaminating the seas and oceans of the planet is everywhere, farming, drinking, entertainment, cooling, the list could be much longer and the demand will many times still exceed how much freshwater will be available until the re-planting of the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet start to produce enough cloud-cover and the accompanying rainfall to re-create what the planet was like in the distant past, but now with a great deal of stable ice on it!

    Will there need to be giant companies doing the work? No, everything that has ever been built has been built by individuals working together as a team, the direction of each job is always performed by those who have been taught how things work, not by some billionaire who sits behind a giant desk doing things that only they can do. Those doing the work will need to be housed, fed, children taken care of and schooled, doctors and nurses will be needed, machines will need to be supplied and maintained, and plans will need to be kept up-to-date. Most of life's needs are the same whether building great things, or if nothing was being accomplished at all! The difference is in the outcome at each point in a person's life. 

    We call those who lived thru, "The Depression and World War II" the "Greatest Generation" because they simply did what needed to be done so that their children would survive and enter a better world! But that does not mean that only their generation has had to survive so much, every point in mankind's history, has had to deal with mankind's inhumanity, in some form or another, slavery, sexual exploitation, religious persecution, and even scientists have been required to cease and desist or face death for blasphemy. And of course, every government on the planet has lied and broken promises in the name of the "GREATER GOOD" or simply so that they will not be arrested for crimes that would include death or great punishment! 

    Mankind is really at a "momentous time in all of the planet's history" not just mankind's history, yet our fates are tied together. For without mankind the planet can not long endure, and without the planet, mankind could not endure at all! We have reached the moon with computers that would now be considered so obsolete as to not even be used as toys to teach our children. the heights that we have reached make the lows that mankind has at times sunk down to seem like there are two distinct species living on the planet. One that simply cannot exist while the other also exists. Either we need to try and drag one of us up or drag both of us down. Try as I have to extend mankind's knowledge on how life works on not just our planet but every planet in the known universe seems to hit that wall where knowledge and desire for life simply be mainly beyond the need for mankind to ever interfere in that never-ending story we call life. 

    Leaving out what I have said is mankind's need to help all carbon-based life on the planet to continue, "the plan" is still by far the best way to stop Global Warming and Climate Change because of mankind's introduction of higher amounts of Greenhouse gases into the atmosphere of the planet. It works in a timely manner, with little upfront costs, and great benefits down the road in giving so many millions of people and families a better and brighter future.

    As always, I can be reached by phone for those who are not afraid to call at 402-890-7946 or reach me at <daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com> to read more about "the plan" <https:lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com>. It takes courage to be willing to go, against the flow, and try and start an extremely important conversation, but all of life is at stake, no, not in our lifetime, or our children's lifetime but in geological time just the blink of an eye! Thank you, Dan

    According to my goggle numbers, only 20 people have taken the time to download this post, out of possible billions. How can we hope to get a majority of the average people on the planet to understand what our planet is facing, with so few people reading, and none of these people passing on this information? It does not take a massive amount of time to check every number that I have given everyone. the numbers do not come from some Global warming and Climate Change denial site, it comes from NASA, Plus scientist's who have been gathering this information bit-by-bit for the last 100 years, all the way up to a few months ago! It does not come from ME! All I have done is to find a working solution to repair the planet that thousands of others have discovered without understanding how all of this information ties together. That seems to be the problem of field research, a scientist's goal is to collect accurate information, and if that information falls within the parameters set by other scientist's findings on the topic at hand, some possible connection may be made, but stating that an absolute explanation has been reached, when only designing experiments that will foster current assumptions, do not necessary add credance! This is where science seem to be at, concerning Global Warming and Climate Change, since so many seem to agree that only mankind can be considered for the cause, why would they need to go back farther in the life of the planet, than that which includes mankind appearance on Earth? 

    Yet, all of the data from NASA, say's that all the major planet's including the Sun, explains very clearly that in the beginning they all had the same composition of elements in the same ratio's! Hydrogen, at around 75% then Helium, once these two lightest elements (including some light mixed gases such as ammonia) were removed because of the lack of gravity, only Carbon Dioxide, became by default, by far the most abundant gas in the atmosphere of the four inner planet's at over 96% and the density of the Amosphere at around 100 times as thick as present day Earth!


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