417 Lets say that 50 years from now mankind has gotten carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere down to 250 parts per million did that work?
Did that do what mankind was hoping for, less extreme weather, fewer droughts, and less flooding and hurricane developments? That depends on how they achieved those levels, if they simply built massive carbon dioxide capture systems, then no! The increased heat caused by sunlight hitting the ground all around the globe wherever arid and semi-arid still exist will still be the driving factor for extreme weather, and with no increasing cloud cover to mitigate energy received from the sun, extreme weather will still cause expensive repair's from mankind! There may be a modest decrease in extreme weather and a good public relations firm could make it seem like greater catastrophes were avoided and the trillions of dollars spent over those 50 years were justified.
Lower levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will of course relate to lower c-3 crop yields around the planet increasing food shortages unless mankind has reduced meat production and increased vegetable production, thereby increasing edible food that can be stored for long periods of time and shipped around the planet.
How we get to where the planet needs to be, is of the utmost importance, numbers can be used to both inform people or to deceive people or even worst to make people no longer care about an issue! When such large numbers are used to talk about costs and needs, start to blur the eyes of even those using such large numbers, how can we not turn away and leave such important issues to others? Those of us who do wish to see the correct solution to the problem of Global Warming and Climate Change will need to become much more active and vocal in fulfilling that responsibility. But no one out there is understanding the true cause of the problem, to begin with, so how can they express the correct solution without that knowledge? They simply can not!
The "plan" is the way forward, anything else that does not address every issue that the "plan" address's will end up falling short of the needs of the planet's and every carbon-based lifeform on this beautiful planet, everyone's only home!
The "plan" works so well because mankind has at hand everything that we need to begin with! We have millions upon millions of people who are, not looking for a handout but a way out, of circumstances completely out of their control in so many places around the planet. Plus we have the technological know-how to make the plan a feasible reality, and the freshwater to do it with. What we do not seem to have is the combined will to look at the problem with a new fresh set of eyes, instead of falling back on knowledge not based on the planet's needs but on saying how bad mankind has been to the planet. Throwing mud is something many people on the Earth are very good at, whether or not it is justified to do so, finding workable solutions are normally a better choice than playing the "blame game" especially when all life on the planet is at risk.
The "plan" in 30 seconds is as follows; prevent every drop of freshwater from entering the oceans, using the water to replenish glaciers, but even more importantly to replant the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet with crops and ground-cover to both prevent sunlight from hitting the unprotective soils and increasing cloud cover to allow the sunlight to be reflected back into space, and using the 50 - 100 million refugees to do so and giving each one a 20 acre newly created farm with a 1-acre fish pond as payment for their labor!
That is the "plan" in a nutshell it does everything that scientists want in the solution to Global Warming and Climate Change, it increases infrastructure and prevents flooding around the planet, it pays for itself in a very short period of time, gives millions of people both a livelihood and hope for a much better future. Prevents drought, and famines, and brings much of the planet's carbon-based life a better chance for that life. Plus prevents most of the man-made pollutions of the seas and oceans from occurring.
Your help is needed, one man can not do it alone, call, text, forward, simply engage others in some way to help understand the only way forward. Reach me by phone in the U.S. @ 402-890-7946 24/7 or by g-mail @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or to read more than the 30-second sound-bite you can go and tell others about the blog-site @ <https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com> Thank you, Dan
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