418 I have talk about so many directions that mankind has to go to repair the planet, most of which mankind had no hand in creating the situation!

    This is the fact that so many people will have the most trouble understanding. Our whole lives we have been taught that what the Earth is going through can always be tied back to mankind's actions. With good cause, the extinction of many species of plants and animals can be directly linked to mankind's changing of their habitat and or by the overuse of life for mankind's benefit. An example of that is the destruction of millions of bison that had once roamed North America while the species was not wipeout, it was down to only around 1000 living animals that were found in Canada. Many scientists will tell you that such a small amount of breeding stock especially from a species that has only a few males breeding many females will reduce the genetic material available for future generations. This limitation may have many unforeseen consequences down through the years.

    Man-made pollution is another area that we can easily see having negative effects on the life of the planet! How do we separate man-made negative actions from the natural consequences of life that we observe but do and did not cause? Life is so interconnected on so many fronts, that for us to just naturally expect everything can simply be laid at man's feet, is keeping us from looking elsewhere. 

    The words that I have heard scientists exclaim so many times, that "the planet's Carbon-Cycle is Perfect" simply astounds me, when every piece of evidence says otherwise! We even have terms for carbon removal from the cycle of life, short-term, meaning carbon dioxide in the air then used by plantlife, then stored in the soils of the planet, then degraded by means that returns it back to the atmosphere, short-mid-term storage is carbon stored for up to a few hundred years in trees and areas of limited oxygen use such as under ice or water for upwards of several thousand years, then we have mid-term carbon storage where carbon may be locked away for upward of millions of years and only weathering of carbon-bearing rocks such as limestone, marble or some other sedimentary produced rocks, moving into and out-of weathering sites. Then they have long-term carbon storage of periods exceeding 200,000,000 years and only plate tectonics and the accompanying continental drift will bring this long-term storage into areas that will, by the heat of the Earth release carbon back into the atmosphere normally as carbon dioxide. What they then fail at is what happens to the carbon that is not raised up as two plates collide, because half of the carbon is driven much deeper as one plate subsides and one plate is driven upwards. This carbon that is forced down will become so much less likely to ever come back as what all carbon-based life needs. When life has had 3.5 billion years or more to allow just a little carbon from every year to become sequestrated that tiny bit can and did add up to making the vast majority of carbon removed from what life needed, to now there is less than 50,000 gigatonnes of "available" carbon left on the planet. Remember, the total amount of carbon that was on the planet 4.5 billion years ago, is still on the planet but simply has been ever so slowly removed from being available for that life!

     Right, this very minute mankind is helping the planet sequestrate even more carbon by use of all of the landfills around the planet. While this sequestration does not off-set the carbon dioxide that mankind is putting into the atmosphere, mainly via fossil fuel uses. Understanding carbon sequestration over the total period of there being carbon-based life on the planet, and how it has influenced not just the ice-ages of the past but also what plants could thrive or go extinct as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere slowly dropped over time, is mankind's only way forward. All of the necessary information has been gathered by 1000's of scientist's over the last hundred years or so, but the interpretation of that information has had a bias sewn into it, which states that mankind is indeed a form of parasite on the planet, and it is their duty to limit how much damage that mankind does. If that is what just about every scientist's have been taught in schools for the last 100 years is it any wonder that any finding about Global Warming and Climate Change must have been brought about by mankind and there is no reason to look back farther in time then when we discovered how to control fire?

     All of my "Reasons of why the planet is in crisis from carbon sequestration" is of little concern to the common individual of the planet. The scientist's all will agree that replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet by re-directing all of the freshwater of the planet into these areas instead of allowing it to flow and continue comtaininating the oceans of the planet by mankind's pollution, will do exactly what is needed to  decrease the level's of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! So it will be a win for the planet, a win for the scientists, a win for 100,000,000 million families who got out of terrible situations, all over the world and are now proud owners of a 20 acre farmsite with a 1 acre fish pond, giving themselves and their children a far better future, a win for keeping any more pollution from entering the sea's and ocean's of the planet, and a win for preventing future famines or flood's.

    The best plan's are not necessarily the ones that are followed, because money and who benefits with increased profits and influence and power, are the ones brought into being, I have been talking about the "plan" now for 28 months e-mailing many different people who are supposed to be in charge of repairing the planet or a least getting the right information out to everyone, in that time one person has contacted me, an ex-brother-in-law. No one else has said anything at all about the "plan" good or bad or any comment at all. Today I got to 11,000 hits not very many for 28 months and 418 post, but it is still 11,000 hits you would think that someone would comment. Those reading need to take a chance, tell someone else about a plan that could be the blueprint on saving ALL carbon-based life on the planet, talking to just one other could be the way forward. I can be reached by phone I live in Nebraska, U.S.A. @402-890-7946, or you can reach me @ danielkadavy212@g-mail.com, tell others about the 418 other post that can be read @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Dan


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