419 It has been around 13 years now that I finally put together what caused the ice-ages of the planet, and what stopped each one!

     Stopped is not the right word because in between each ice-age there remained a lot of ice on the planet that is not normal for the planet! During the majority of the life of the planet, ice has not been present in any real amount, only when the balance between the carbon dioxide levels in the planet atmosphere and the amount of energy being received from the sun, starts reducing the overall temperature enough for ice to become more likely. Somewhere around 3 million years ago, the planet started staging ice on the planet, and around 2.5 million years ago that ice had grown enough to reach places that mankind could verify as places that ice was known not to normally occur.

    There have been around 18 advances and then retreat of ice over the last 2.5-2.6 million years, each period of ice advances have been many times longer than the periods when ice was retreating, As you may remember I started researching the reasons for this when I was only around 8 years old, and it took me until I was around 50+ years old to finally put all of the pieces together, why did I not start telling anyone that would listen 13 years ago? Because if I could put the pieces together, whenever new information was put out there for anyone to see, I felt that it was only a matter of time for the scientific community to do the same, especially since so many scientists were looking into what was causing Global Warming and Climate Change! However, after ten years had passed and so many scientists were saying the only solution was to physically remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere no matter how it was done, I realized that no one was looking at any time frame longer than mankind's entry onto the planet. This was never going to lead anyone to the true cause of the problem. Without an understanding of what the planet was really coping with, how can anyone make a plan that will satisfy all of the actions required? Simply put, no one could do so with any hope of fulfilling a competent action and response. It would be like a doctor putting on many bandages hoping to find out they stopped the bleeding by luck or prescribing pills without a complete diagnostic of the problem, not just by the symptoms! 

    We are just now beginning to understand how some of the interconnection of life on the planet work, yet we are far from understanding enough to put any long-term plan into effect to correct many of mankind's mistakes in working with other forms of life on the planet. It would seem that we could simply do "this or that" to repair the damage we have done, but life is so much more complicated than it would first appear. Every action will have cascading effects, on all other life in the system being altered. Look at rabbits being introduced in Australia, or so many non-native plants all over the planet, or even Burmese Pythons in Florida, Even the Ash Borer is slowly killing Ash trees and migrating all over the mid-west of America. 

    Knowledge takes time to learn and even longer to understand, it took me 50 years to understand what now is easy to see, and if you will only look at the information that is now out there with new eyes and not determined to hold onto misinformation simply because people are shouting it at you from every corner!  

    As always I am asking you to look at the information, that I have presented in my 12-page-paper and over 400 additional posts, and then tell others I can be reached in the U.S.A. by phone at 402-890-7946, or by G-mail at danielkadavy212@gmail.com, to read War and Peace go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Dan

    There are now so many things that are made that can no longer be made without machines, that list is so long and growing longer every day, we are even using nano-bots whenever size is an issue! I believe that it will not be long before whole factories will need no workers except for repair. This in itself does not mean that things will be cheaper because of lower labor costs, such complicated factories will have massive start-up costs, and the never-ending re-tooling needs for never-ending product changes. The next fifty years will see massive changes in labor needs around the world, how will mankind deal with those needs, only time will tell, but we will always need food production and farmers to do that. 

    There are really two completely different types of farmers and in America, we call farms that produce food for animals, "farmers" They grow corn, soybeans, wheat, sorghum, mainly animal feed for chickens, fish, hogs, and mainly cattle, all for protein production, yes some are used for making corn flakes, or bread, but the vast majority is animal food. Then we have those who plant massive fields of beans, potatoes, sugarcane, sugarbeets, rice, tobacco, cotton, and we also call them "farmers", but those that grow vegetables eaten fresh or preserved many call themselves "truck farmers". Then we have the "Ranchers" they normally live in areas with too little natural rainfall for crop production, and the area needed for growing cattle or sheep is very high per head so that overgrazing does not destroy the carrying capacity for their livestock, these ranches can be in the tens and hundreds of thousands of acres in size. The "plan" whole idea is for direct hands-on production of cover crops and the one-acre pond for some type of fish production. With adequate water availability, these farms will produce an abundant income for a family to live on. With no herbicides or insecticides available there will need more direct weed management and insect prevention to work these farms. Right now in America, farmers are facing massive weed infestation problems because of herbicide resistance weeds that machinery brings from one field to another. Old ways of preventing weed seed distributions are known all over the world. We just need to understand that nature and life are easily compromised when they are not taken into consideration! Dan


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