423 I saw a short item yesterday about a lake of water underneath 2 miles of ice that Russians and Americans drilled down into.

 And for some reason, it seems to come as a shock that the carbon dioxide levels in the water were over 20 times higher than anywhere else on the planet. How could that come as a shock, this water was what water all over the planet was like prior to there being any ice on the planet, just over 3,000,000 years ago. This water is simply a time capsule of what the planet was like prior to the planet cooling enough to start snow and ice to develop. It is no different than amber acting as a time capsule of the atmosphere when the resin first seeped from the tree. 

     Is there, no one out there who understands how limestone is made, 100 million gigatonnes of it on the planet that was once life, and it just magically appeared fully formed without coming from somewhere? NO, it was all stored in the atmosphere and waters of this great planet since the planet was formed from the cosmic dust that was once other stars that exploded many billions of years ago. Not rocket science guys, how the planet is now, is a giant puzzle where one can read the past history of what the planet was like buried in the dead bones of stones left behind. So why is the water that is stored underground not a time capsule? It is but it is also being constantly mixed with waters that seep down through the rocks and soil above and most of that underground reservoir is fro.m less than 3 million years old so it is not a time capsule of things prior to it being stored, it is mainly from the melting waters of the ice-ages that started because of low levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

    Time capsules, have many advantages to them, but they are not always what they seem! The lake under the 2 miles of ice could also have a hidden volcano under it causing changes to the levels of gasses mixed in its water, but the fact that an under-ice lake has many times more carbon dioxide in its water is what I would expect, if it truly is a time capsule of ages past. 

    Guys, I am not a trained scientist in any way, but if I was, perhaps the belief that was in effect during my training would have blinded me to see what is now in front of my eyes. Perhaps only an outsider can try and not fit every finding into a preconceived idea of how things are supposed to work. Scientists are supposed to not do that very thing, but rocking the boat is never a good thing when your peers can cause you great damage, trying not to fall into the water themselves.

    The "plan" has many excellent ways of fixing the planet, but who ends up making the money is not one of them, for those who love making those decisions. And upsetting the standard quo, is also not some way to curry favor among those who matter. That seems to only leave creating a groundswell of support, that I have seemed to have failed miserably at. My fault or our fault for not teaching people to be able to use logic and facts to make decisions. We are all taught that we should trust our "gut" feelings if it feels wrong it probably is, well that is impossible to argue against and to try and do so, just becomes embarrassing.

    So I must keep on trying some way to get across the only way forward in repairing the planet in a timely manner, those of you who read any of my many posts need to either quit reading them or start doing something about it. for every time I post around 20 hits are recorded but once that happens I only get between 2 and 5 hits for the rest of the day and normally even fewer hits the farther between posts that I do. Yet there are as of today 423 posts and the main 12-page paper titled the complete cause and repair of Global Warming and Climate Change, the number of words alone would rival an 800-page book, so anyone who downloads any of my posts and finds even a few of them to be interesting, could continue reading more for weeks and the hits on my computer would show that (I think) But the biggest effect would be if those who do read my post would simply tell everyone that they know about "Life cycle of a planet by Daniel James Kadavy" This is the only way forward that I imagine would work!

    So far, not so good, but if anyone would want to talk or comment, I can be reached by phone in the USA. @ 402-890-7946, or my G-mail is daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or to read more anyone can go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com But I need all of the help I can get, and more importantly, the planet needs all of the help that it can get! Dan



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