424 What would the "plan" look like if corporations were to get involved?
The first thing to change would be the design of the bridges and underpasses of how water would be moved. Without corporations, everything would need arch support, with corporation's long spans of steel or prestressed concrete with life spans of less than 50 years, while the arch supports would have to be shorter spans and much more labor-intensive, their lifespans would turn out to be many hundreds of years, just as we still use such bridges that the Roman's built 2,000 years ago. Construction of the dams constructed by corporations would be giant dams hundreds of feet tall, holding back billions of feet acres of water, while the dams built by non-corporations would instead be many, much smaller dams dug 50 feet deep into the ground much like natural lakes, with a minimal chance of structural failure, and with easy access and no outside boats would be allowed to prevent cross-contamination when a boat is taken from dam-to-dam, but every lake would have all of the necessary equipment for low rent boats, cabins, and all of the related toys that would be used. The old saying, that the happiest two days of a camper or boat owner's life are the day they buy it and the day that they sell it! While boat builders and camper builders do make money, the actual profits are made by the hundreds of thousands of owners of storage facilities, that store items only used a few times per year.
The next big change, between corporations and non-corporations, would be in ownership of the newly-made farmlands, one would be 100,000,000 20-acre privately owned farm sites, and the other would be 10,000-acre farms with 100,000 low-paid workers! Driving million-dollar machines, and sending money to millionaires hundreds of miles away.
The biggest change would be the overall start-up cost, using corporations, we would be talking in the neighborhood of 100 trillion dollars, with no return on the investment but a nicer planet. using non-corporation we would need to house and feed 100,000,000 families that we already do (just poorly) and give them all of the needed equipment (used equipment would be fine and not huge equipment but backhoes, tractors. dump trucks, and all of the hand and eclectic tools needed) start-up cost would depend on how much of that would be donated and how much needed to buy, but many hundreds of times less than paying corporation fees! Plus corporations almost never end up paying taxes, while there would now be 100,000,000 new taxpayers all over the planet, living comfortable, but hard-working lives.
Is there really any reason to use corporations? Not that I can see and there are many reasons not to, yet that would be what probably happens if politicians are the ones who end up making that decision. Their friends, and supporters, will be applying for money and pressure to make sure that they all get a piece of that 100 trillion dollar pie! Only a giant non-profit collection of companies can overcome that outcome and we do have lots of history of that happening, The Red Cross, The Red Sickle, Doctors without borders, Africare, the list is very long and very diverse! A blanket non-profit could tie enough of these organizations together, all of whom would wish to be included in some way with a doable plan on repairing the planet, and at the same time fixing so many injustices around the world. Even many counties would then be able to coordinate with this non-profit and in so doing help tie together a single plan of action that will not simply be a hodgepodge of a hundred different plans that no one can say how each idea will interact with all of the other plans.
Right now the only thing that ties all of the ways to fix the planet together is to reduce everybody's carbon footprint to lower carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. The "plan" does that, but in a much more direct and concise way, by re-planting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, we can control not just the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, but cloud-cover, rain-fall levels, and how much ice, is to be stored on the planet! Will there be unexpected problems? Of course, anytime that we attempt to alter life we will need the constant ability to reevaluate and think of different solutions. The learning curve will be steep and ever-changing, but that is where mankind has shown what we can do time and time again.
The "plan" as I have explained on many occasions, is designed to do the following things, 1) keep freshwater from every river and stream around the planet from entering any ocean, sea, gulf, or an area of the planet that the freshwater will either contaminate, or be contaminated by, whatever type of water it normally would flow into! 2) by collecting all of the freshwaters, prior to entering these areas, much of the pollution that mankind dumps into the oceans and seas of the planet would stop!!! 3) use all of this freshwater for the following things, re-planting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, replacing enough of the ice that is being removed by Global Warming to prevent all of the following, droughts or any water shortages downstream, maintaining the albedo effort in keeping much of the sunlight reflected back into space, and helping with the cold weather entertainment that so many enjoy! 3) Making immigration from one country to another much easier as every country would be asking people to come and help replant their arid and semi-arid areas in exchange for living in what they created on a nice, all paid-for 20-acre farm and one-acre pond that would come with a nice home in a community that would be just a short train ride to their farm. The people needed to support all of these small truck farms would also enjoy a paid-for home in these same communities because of the work that they did in helping to move the freshwater there! None of this would happen if corporations were the builders! Building homes, businesses, and infrastructure, is not expensive, it is the labor that is expensive, and that we have plenty of because everyone is helping build everyone's homes, businesses, and the infrastructure that is needed. Materials for much of this building, many times can be sourced right there. Rock, sand, and dirt, all are great building materials, and what's made from them will last much longer than what most people use for homes around the world. All other materials would be paid or traded for by selling the water, produce and fish production that each farm will supply at a fair price. The "plan" is the only way that all of these can happen in a timely fashion and without making the economical situation of haves and have-nots even worse than at present. If corporations were to be the ones doing the majority of the work on repairing the planet then so much would be lost, that could have made a huge difference in how we see our fellow man, immigration, and the not in my backyard belief, that so many people hold dear.
Galileo Galilei, had to deal with many leading factions during his lifetime, the Catholic church being the largest one, and caused him many problems during his lifetime. All because he wanted people to understand that the Earth went around the sun, not the other way, for without the correct knowledge to work from nothing can be understood correctly. A famous quote of his was "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered, the point is to discover them!" Which you can not do using wrong truths, to begin with, and the Catholic church would not allow anyone to state that the Earth was not the center that everything rotated around, including the Sun. Following that belief, he also said "In the question of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" On the topic of the "plan" no one has said one word to me except an ex-brother-in-law, 11,000 hits on the blog site over 2 years and not one comment concerning whether or not there is any truth in what the planet is facing without mankind on the planet! No yelling, or questions, nothing, it is like I am yelling into an empty canyon that no one can hear me from. Yet as soon as I post this online between 10 and 30 hits will come up within the next 20 minutes and the accompanying silence. Well enough about my inability to get the attention that is needed. Sooner or later the truth will be easy to see, when will that happen, I do not have a clue. Daniel James Kadavy, author of the blogsite, https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com "Knowledge is power only if is known". My phone number in the USA is 403-890-7946 my g-mail is daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com Thank you for reading, but the very best thank you, would be to tell others about that crazy guy in Nebraska that not only knows what the planet is facing, but how to repair it!
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