425 or CDXXV either way it seems like it should be some type of milestone, What came out of COP26? confusion, disarray, and too many unknowns!

    Many nations seem to have gone in looking for a vast commitment of money from the wealthy nations, who they feel are the most responsible for the crisis in the first place, thinking that money can solve anything! Well, that was never going to happen without a million strings attached to prove that how the money would be used to benefit the whole planet, not just to build higher and stronger walls to solve temporary local concerns.

    The next major objective, was to achieve carbon-neutral living, working, and travel, as quickly as possible, and only renewable energy sources would be able to achieve that! The cost and timeframe to change from fossil to renewable energy would quickly bankrupt, most countries if the objective would be within a 20-year timeframe! Yes, there are those who say that is not true, and only the fossil fuel companies are spreading that misinformation. 

    The third major objective, was to stop all non-renewable de-forestation. This is mainly concerned with tropical rainforest being removed for financial gains, this is one area that most of the countries of the planet agree with but have very little influence in those areas! It is much like trying to stop the illegal trade in the poaching of animals, where the livelihood of those doing the poaching is how they and their families survive! Any crime that is based on making money has never been able to be stopped by laws. Drugs, gambling, sex trade, any for-profit industry that believes that bending the rules is how the game has always been played. Now there are talks again about carbon-offsets, it sounds great one person is paid to plant trees so that others can continue using fossil fuels, yet will makers of tidal electricity, wind energy, solar power, electric cars all have a hand out because they prevent carbon from entering the atmosphere? Who got all of the monies that the government was handing out to offset business losses due to COVID-19, small mom and pop places, or large businesses who have in-house lawyers who knew every trick in the book to comply with the regulation that was put in place on who could qualify for those monies? We all know the answer to that!

    The overall effect of COP26 was to come back in a year's time with solid ideas on every major issue that was supposed to have been worked out this year! Since I am trying my best (which does not seem to be working out very well for me either) I can both sympathize and feel grateful that very little has been accomplished on what I see as working the wrong way forward! 

    Life cycle of a planet, by Daniel James Kadavy, bypasses so many of the problems that Global Warming and Climate Change activist have come up against, because they are demanding to rework how mankind as a whole wish to live! There is nothing wrong with living a green life, the problem comes when you demand that everyone else does the same thing. If that was the only way to repair the planet, and in fact, it did repair the planet then everyone tightening the belt would be needed! But the very premise is flawed, mankind is not a parasitical species on the planet, we are the only species on the planet that can prevent carbon sequestration from slowly ending all carbon-based life within a few hundred years! Yes, the Earth could indeed keep a very small percentage of carbon-based life alive on a frozen world using C-4 and then cam plant life, and life in the oceans under thick ice could continue as long as the internal heat of the planet continued. Is that what we would want? How, mankind proceeds forward in repairing Global Warming, Climate Change, and preventing the loss of carbon-based life due to carbon sequestration over the last 3.5 Billion Years of there being life on the planet!

    I'm I saying that without mankind repairing the planet by using the "plan" that the planet will become a frozen world in only a few hundred years? NO, I AM NOT that would only happen if mankind stopped being a viable species on the planet. Does that mean only if mankind goes extinct, no it means if the population on the planet becomes so low that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was to fall below 180 parts per million then the next, last, and never-ending ice age, would begin! If mankind would suddenly disappear from the planet, then we would expect the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to decline about 2 parts per million every year, baring a major volcanic event. Once the level of carbon dioxide declines enough to cause more ice to be staged on the planet 410ppm current-180ppm for when an ice age starts =230ppm/2ppm sequestrated per year, meaning that in about 115 years the ice age begins, remember though as deserts are created the carbon that had been held in the soils would decompose and release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. However, there is not nearly enough stored available soil carbon to bring the planet out of that next, last, and neverending ice age, once started only a thinking and acting species could do that, and on this planet, only ONE SPECIES falls in that category, did you figure out whom that would be? Yes, only mankind, or maybe one of our cousins who now would rule the planet, while unlikely, but not impossible. 

    Why did mankind show up just in the nick of time to prevent the next, last, and neverending, ice-age when we did is beyond my understanding, but then without the planet being hit by a giant meteor that wipe out the dinosaurs, 67 million years ago, mankind would very likely not be here at all! Any past event that had not of happens could easily have caused so many changes to how life developed, that the possibility of so many different outcomes on even if mankind ever appeared is staggering! The only thing that I can deal with is what is, not what may become, or what could have been! 

    If anything that I have written or explained seems at odds with things that you understand to be a fact, do not hesitate to call me, I am always trying to learn, there is little that I can talk to people about if it deals with religion, or a belief system, because those are based on faith, much of how we see life, is handed down by friends and family, work ethic, religion, how to interact with people, may not be based on a certain truth but does not mean that it is any less important. If you would like to talk, I can be reached 24/7 in the USA at 402-890-7946, or my G-mail is danielkadavy212@gmail.com If you would like to read for days and days on this subject you can go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you and please tell others about that crazy guy in Nebraska.


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