426 I have built 5 homes by myself, and 2 relatively big businesses by myself, while framing up so many homes that I do not even recall them all!

    I have also built over 200 apartments in the normal fashion using, all of the different trades needed. I did not even own a computer until I started my Blogsite "Life cycle of a planet" in August of 2019. In the last 10 years, I have taken down by hand, barns, homes, almost anything older than 90 years or so, so that the materials could be sold and recycled. You can say that I am a hands-on type of person. My wife says that I hate to throw anything that still has use in it away, however, she seems to like the term "hoarder". For the most part, Americans have very little problem throwing anything away, "Buy new every two" seems to have a special meaning for us! I do believe that we have passed on much of that consumerism, to many other parts of the planet! And it has become an integral part of the economical plan for our country! 

    Around 13 years ago now, I put the last pieces of the puzzle together on what caused the starting and stopping of so many ice ages (around 18) that our planet has endured over the last 2.5 million years or so! That connect-the-dots understanding happened to also be why mankind's addition of only 150 parts per million of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere has had such a profound effect on extreme weather! But as I have been trying my best over the last 27 months to get people to understand, extreme weather is a "symptom" of a much bigger and more importantly serious problem that our world is facing. 

    These are some examples of how a connect-the-dots understanding works! 

    Sunlight hits the planet- but without enough energy, to warm the planet for life to have a chance- but there is carbon in different forms in the atmosphere that traps the sun's energy and that warms up the planet enough for photosynthesis to begin- 

    Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere drops due to carbon sequestration- leading to cooler temperature- leading to ice being staged in great quantities on the planet- leading to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to ocean water being evaporated to make snow and then ice, that had much higher levels of carbon dioxide in the ocean water 2.5 million years ago- leading to a short 10,000-year interglacial period between much longer 40,000 to 140,000 year periods of much larger levels of ice on the planet.

    Again, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere drop due to carbon sequestration but staging more ice is not the only occurrence, but increasing arid and semi-arid areas are starting to appear around the world due to the same problem, and this start to decrease cloud-cover in those areas, which is how the planet regulates its temperature- more cloud-cover equals more sunlight reflected back into space and how much of the sun's energy is either converted to plant growth or is converted to heat as the sunlight hits bare unprotected soils!

    After each ice age and its corresponding interglacial period, a little more arid and semi-arid areas appear after each cycle, decreasing just a little more of the planet's ability to keep temperature extremes from happening. 

    Mankind, become numerous enough to require a change from a nomadic and hunter-gather way of life to a more stable agricultural way of life speeding up the carbon cycle by reducing forest sizes and increasing land under cultivation- leading to a much longer interglacial period that in the past, from around 10,000 years to the current 13,500 years, and with mankind's increasing reliance of fossil fuels starting around 150 years ago. Thereby effectively stopping the ice cycle of the last 2.5 million years. 

    Those are some of the connect-the-dots that have played a major role in the current Global Warming and Climate Change challenges that all carbon-based life of the planet is facing! I can be reached by phone at 402-890-7946 in the USA. my G-mail is daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com to read enough to satisfy even a book worm you can go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Please start telling others, the same 30 people are who are looking at my posts, either are just as bad as I am in convincing people to read or don't believe that this information is that important. Thank you, Dan




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