428 What are the three problems that may prevent the "plan" from being used to repair the temperature-regulating ability of the planet, and therefore solving Global Warming!
The three problems are all unfortunately manmade obstacles. The first is based on mankind's need to place everything on an economical footing, meaning how to make money with the least amount of expense. A good example of this was when a new inexpensive way of mining for gold was found in the 1870s, it was called "hydraulic mining" and you basically washed a mountain away with high-pressure water to extract the gold through the resulting slurry. You can imagine the terrible scenes of a pristine mountainside reduced to a trash heap of loose rock gravel and dead trees and vegetation all to make a company rich! This was only allowed for a few years in America, by 1884 the practice was stopped but only because of a lawsuit claiming downstream damage to farmland so money versus money, not the moral objection of raping the land! This type of abuse of the planet's natural resources has made the argument that mankind is a parasitic growth on the planet, not a species that is interested in working with the planet for the betterment of every species and person on the planet. For it always comes down to money, the destruction of untold millions of bison for only the fur, the killing of baby seals for only the fur, whales for the oil, and not just a few here and there so that a consistent supply of a needed product could be maintained, no get everything as fast as you can so that you can retire rich, let those in the future deal with the aftermath! Whatever the resource of the planet is or was, mineral, living, rare, it did not matter to those who only saw the dollar at the end. The vast majority of mankind did not see that their buying of these products had such devastating consequences for much of the planet! Yes, a very strong case can be made that mankind could easily be seen as a parasitic growth on the planet, but mankind is much more than just its least desirable traits, and now many laws have been put in place to stop many of mankind's worst attributes. However, as long as the dollar and what we own are how we judge ourselves and others, such practices will continue. So if we are seen as a parasitic species on the planet how can climate change and global warming not be solely mankind's fault? As I have tried to explain mankind did not create carbon sequestration that is at the heart of the problem concerning where the planet is at, and the corresponding Global Warming and Climate Change.
The second problem concerning mankind's implementing of the "plan" as the solution to Global Warming and Climate Change is who benefits financially from whatever solution that we decide to enact. In the "plan" the 100,000,000 new farms and businesses that would need to be created would be the direct beneficially of working the freshwater, and replanting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet, or replenishing the glaciers and staging more ice on the planet, would all be the ones benefiting, not making more billionaires who would increase the gaps between the haves and the have nots. Money always talks unless the vast majority of the planet's population rises up and says no to more corporate greed, While that has happened in the past it was only a temporary change until a new status quo became established. The best examples of this were the French revolution, the Russin revolution, the Chinese revolution of 1949 and the later cultural uprising in 1966, and Cuba's overthrow of their corrupt government. They were all failures for different reasons, the main reason was always people wanting power, money, and influence, over their fellow man. Cuba was the one place that could have worked if the United States had supported the people of Cuba instead of playing the "evil communist card" and thereby demanding that Cuba would align with Russian instead of staying a friend to the United States.
The third reason, has to do with mankind's expectation of continuity and mathematical probability. When scientists look at the universe and the vast number of stars and the corresponding planets the chances of Earth being the only planet to contain life is simply unimaginable! As are the chances that the Earth is at a crossroads of how to continue carbon-based life with so little available carbon after existing for over 3.5 billion years with an abundance of carbon-based life on the planet in as many forms and under so many different extremes, just as mankind came on the scene! The old saying that you can not disprove a negative merely means that without enough information, nothing can be proven, or disproven. Given the mathematical odds of a species showing up at such a necessary time in the planet's long history either is better than the same person winning the lottery every time, or that evolution and adaptation are somehow driven by need not just by chance. After all the planet has done quite well for life on the planet, without needing any one species to be able to solve a problem that normal life could not do, up until 100,000 years ago or so! Looking back in time long before mankind was ever on the scene, life was filled up over and over as other life changed, no one species became so predominant that it threatened to overwhelm the ecosystem that is called Earth. Even apex species were kept in check by the available food source so that their prey could not overpopulate its environment to the ruination of both vastly complicated systems.
So we have three main problems that can all be solved with one solution, true knowledge of how life has progressed over the 3.5 billion years of this planet have carbon-based life in abundance until that very life caused the sequestration of materials that life needs to continue, mainly carbon in the form of carbon dioxide but also other requirements of life, cloud-cover for temperature-regulation and rainfall, certain minerals have also come into short supply in certain areas, iron is one example. But with knowledge of the true reasons that need to be addressed by mankind comes the responsibility to ensure that the correct solution is started. Mankind seems to strive on pitting us against ourselves instead of cooperating. In many ways, this has forced us to become more advanced than we would otherwise have become. Money and war are the two things that can bring out the very worst in ourselves, may also have brought us far enough along the path necessary for us to change the entire course of all carbon-based life, including ourselves. Hunter-gathers would have doomed the planet into the next and last ice-age 3500 years ago, Population and farming gave us and the planet time to start understanding how our interaction with our planet needs to go forth to preserve both. We must learn, and then teach everyone on the planet so that those in power will have no option but to do what needs to be done to the benefit of all, not just to the planet's survival!
There is something for everyone in understanding why and how the "plan" will benefit us. those that believe in a higher power will be able to say, that there is a reason why we are here, those that are looking for a better life will welcome this opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their children going forward. Those that simply want to get on with their lives will understand that a plan that will work, is in the process, allowing them to not worry so much, and still know that their lives will only need to change within acceptable limits. Those in power will understand that with the population of the planet behind the "plan" that they will be able to jump on that bandwagon and maybe ride it into the next election, or supply a growing middle-class with long-lasting recyclable goods! Like they say a rising tide lifts all ships. Hopefully, those that try to rebrand or attempt to say that the "plan" can not be based on facts because no one knows what the atmosphere of the planet was like 3.5 billion years ago, and nothing could live under an atmosphere of 92 times as thick as it is now, (yet fish deep in the ocean live under even higher pressures than that) will be ridiculed and not given a platform to attempt to lie!
Okay, I have given you all something to check up on, knowledge and our ability to pass it on is what make mankind different from other species on the planet. There was once a pod of whales that learned from one whale (who the fishermen named Tom) how to drive fish into a bay where men would help corral the fish with boats and nets so that both the fishermen and the whales benefitted from working together. This went on for many years, until (Tom) died, went this happened the other whales stopped herding fish into that bay, the question is then, did no other whale understand the proven benefit of working with men, and was just following Toms lead as an alpha male, or was there other factors involved that we can not understand. But the facts remain that the ability to write down and pass on knowledge to each following generation, (don't you wish grandmother had written down and taught you her famous recipes instead of taking that information to her grave!) is what makes mankind different from every other species on the planet. New knowledge can be power, but only if it is passed on not hoarded and guarded, as if only a select few can be made aware of the actual truth, so as to be more powerful such as a high priestess with special knowledge only meant for the few to be parcel out in tiny pieces that we can understand if given in small enough packages! Well, that would never invoke enough people to force those in power into action necessary for the "plan" to be put in place. What is needed is the biggest bandwagon anyone has ever seen, bigger than Princess Diana, Muhammed Ali, Abraham Lincoln, King Tut's Tomb, even the Pyramids. Only in this way can those in power be forced to take "what is in it for me" out of the equation. Call me 24/7 I live in Cortland Nebraska, USA @ 402-890-7946, My G-mail is daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com, or to read over a quarter of a million other words from the crazy guy in Nebraska go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.bogspot.com thank you, Dan
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