429 I simply do not understand why with almost 12,000 hits on 428 posts I do not have even one comment!
This is the most important subject of any generation that man has ever been exposed to! Yes, proving that the planet was round and goes around the sun, was very needed knowledge but it really does not affect the average person! But the fact that all carbon-based life on this planet has an end date, without mankind interfering with and maintaining, both the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increasing plant coverage and the increasing cloud cover that results from that increased plant coverage should be front-page news on every paper, news broadcast, and scientific journal on the planet! Yet 2 years 3 months have gone by since "The complete cause and solution to Global Warming by Daniel James Kadavy" with at least 325 different people around the planet at least looking at that 12 page-paper. WHY, WHY, WHY, Nothing, no one even telling me that I am the dumbest person on the planet which seems to be a common reaction on the internet from what I have seen.
Yet every time I add a new post to my every increasing massive 250,000 words on the subject, between 15 and 25 people download that new post within minutes! I have asked countless times for people to contact me, one an ex-brother-in-law did (hi Kavon) There is only ONE way to repair the planet, and each and every idea that has been put forth in how to Slow Down Climate Change does more long term damage than doing nothing, yet at a great financial cost. Estimates of at least 100 BILLION dollars per year have been bandied around as if that would just be a starting point! The "plan" will not cost anything after the first investment because it will because self-supporting in just a few years with new farm owners paying taxes on their incomes, and much greater food source availability around the planet as a result!
So again, anybody, somebody, whether you think I am a fool, or would just like to talk, it would just be a conversation with you probably doing most of the talking, Call me I live in Nebraska @ 402-890-7946, or if you would rather use the internet, I can be reached at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com. if you would want to learn more before contacting me there are 428 other posts of around 500 words each that would give you more ammunition! (that is a lot of ammunition because there are so many parts of the plan to critique) so you can do that @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Well here hoping. Thank You, Dan
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