433 I am not some professor that is giving a lecture on how life on this wonderful planet progressed over time!
I am simply one person on the planet who is forever trying to learn. I am not so wrapped up in trying to make a million dollars, and impress people with what I have or own, so that I never have had to work much for others to make a living, meaning that I never had to bow down to others for a paycheck. I am sure that many people think what a waste when they see me. I have a lovely wife and she raised our two wonderful daughters, that we both are very proud of yet like so many children so very different from each other. There is never one path that people must follow to live life, and it would be a very boring world if there was only one way forward. But what many are now choosing is so anti-social, anti-beneficial, anti-respectful for the betterment of life, yet they put it under the heading of personal choice, when it really comes down to, is don't tell me what to do or believe in, let me believe what sounds right, for how I choose to live! This is irregardless of the cost to others, right now this takes of form of those refusing to be vaccinated, feeling that if they get sick, how can that possibly affect others, when all of the evidence points otherwise!
Enough of that, since no one does anything more than download my posts, I can not start up a conversation with anyone, leaving me with no options but to keep putting forth all of the information out there that seemingly no one else has put together. Hoping that sooner or later someone will begin a conversation even if it is not with me! (yes I would love to be included but that is not how life always works) All of a sudden I have noticed that there are several people in Japan who are downloading every post that I have recently put online, do not know to what end but one can hope! I was hopeful about a year ago when someone from Romania downloaded 760 posts in one day meaning that either many people were downloading my then around 250 posts or just a few downloaded everything that I had written until then, but alas almost no downloads since.
Are we at some turning point in evolution, that because of our mating choices we as a species have become set in the opinions that we will entertain? Or are we now completely being led by our communication devices, that others use for their own personal profits? While I use this computer to attempt to communicate, I myself am basically computer illiterate, and that does at times create problems that should be simple to repair with the right knowledge.
Whether I am talking about gathering all of the fresh waters of the planet before it entered into seas and oceans where it becomes unusable for land-based plant life, and also creating damage for life in those same seas and oceans. Or talking about the necessary farming practices that the 100,000,000 new farms will need to follow to ensure the best food, energy, and cloud-cover needed to start re-building the temperature-regulating abilities of the planet. Knowledge and the reasoning behind both are what I am trying to convey, Just saying that we need to do this, to get that result is not enough. Either we understand the why and not simply fall in line with one party or another, or we leave the discussion to others (not, in my opinion, the way to go). Global Warming and Climate Change is not only a man-made problem, but goes to the very heart of all carbon-based life on this planet. So intertwined is life and the gases in our atmosphere, and the changes to the gases over very long periods of time, that re-planting the arid and semi-arid areas of the planet should be a "no-question" response, of course, we should what possible downside could there be! Presidents Bilden's build-back plan would be a great start if it is combined with the infrastructure needed for moving water! But doing so in America alone would not be enough, only by working together with all of mankind can we hope to get the necessary workforce of 100,000,000 people, to accomplish what needs to be done in one generation, and then building on that success to enrich the whole world both economically, and physically! You and I will not be the end benefit to the "plan" we will be long gone by then. but what a legacy we can all leave to our future generations! Is that not what we all should strive for, every immigrant including our own forefathers and mothers came to America for that same reason, so that their children could have a better life than they did. That drive that our great grandparents had, has left us so much better off than even they could have hoped for, that much of our own drive has turned into maintaining what we now have, against what we perceive as others trying to come and take it away. Yes, there are many of us who still feel completely left out of the "America Dream" the "us against them" still is so strong that we do not see the iniquities that this fosters, and blame such iniquities if we do see them, on others lack of drive, not lack of opportunities.
Another post is done, if anyone out there would like me to explain how some part of the "plan" would work, or would need to work differently in certain places, let me know, explain what you feel you would like to have either clarified or more in-depth discussion and I will do what little I can to help. Reach me in the USA @ 402-890-7946, or go to my site @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com or E-mail me at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com Thank you, and please tell as many people as you possibly can about that crazy guy in Nebraska.
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