435 Concerning the best communal size for a town with a diverse population both in language and religion?


    Let us do a little math on how many people will be in the towns, if they are spaced every 10 miles in a grid pattern, pretending that we are working with flat lands that have usable surface area for growing. There are 640 acres in one square mile, at 20 acres per farm that means that there will be 32 farms per square mile, I am using the number 5 for how many people will be supported on each farm (an example would-be mother. father, and 3 children,) 32 x 5 = 160 people working each square mile of farms times that by 100 (10 X 10 = 100) for a total 0f 16,000 people per town but then you have to add, doctors, nurses, teachers, dentist, entertainment personal, and all of the necessary support staff for such a community that is required working with numbers that the internet says 10% of a population would be needed for maintaining a good life experience! Hopefully, many of these people would actually come from the farms as not everyone wishes to work the land. Using these numbers then we would be striving for around 17,600 people per town with all living within the town's limit. Yes, parks and green spaces would be required within each town. 

    We would want each town very pretty to live in and as most of the population are farmers plant life would be at the top of the list, lots of trees with large canopies for shade and fruits to eat just for the picking, Much of the real effort would be in housing, homes would be 1,000 square feet each with very thick walls made for mass cooling and heating, homes would be fireproof and no amount of wind would bother them, made to last for generations. Homes would not have any side yards but would share 2-foot thick walls so no sound would transfer, windows would be what many are calling reality windows that would show the outside via cameras that could also see what was happening in many other places of the world at that particular point in time. Most traffic would be by foot or bike, only when there would be a need for moving large or heavy materials would some mechanical means be available. Trains, not automobiles would move people around and would be on a schedule, and no trains would be going both ways on the same track but there would be two sets of tracks so no head-on collisions would happen and tighter schedules could become available as the need arises. In town, speed would be slow enough that one could hop on and off without the need for the trains to stop the ability for the towns to hold 20,000 people to live and work would normally require only one square mile if all buildings are 2 stories tall, taking up 50% of the land area meaning that there would be 27,887,400 square foot of space available for living, eating, schooling, meeting areas, entertainment, businesses, and any other need for secure cover. Or in other words, if the city held 20,000 people there would be 1394 square feet of secure covered space for every person living there! Leaving 13,989,200 square feet of roads, parks, and trails, for walking on or riding trains through or just enjoying the city's beauty! On top of all of the structures, the surface would have plant life as in gardens, solar, and wind, power. All adding to keeping the structure cool in the summers and warm in the cooler days. I would strongly suggest communal eating buffet-style restaurants (not some large mess hall like in the army) so a closer knitted community could be fostered, plus less waste on both energy in the cooking and food waste from spoilage. Recycling of everything would be taught and practiced there will be no need for dumps or garbage collection. While no community could hope to ever become completely self-sufficient, in a world where so much of life needs are much cheaper under mass production, such as phones, t.v.'s, clothing, and furniture, (as there will not be wood available locally for many decades) steel, cement, and other products that would not be practical to produce locally. However, with the vast amount of materials that each farming community would be producing and turning into finished products, there should be a surplus of trade goods available within just a few short years of each town's development!

    Tourist and educational teaching in each town will be a great help in establishing the benefits and needs for the existence of these towns. With the vast amount of people needed to re-establish the planet's temperature-regulating abilities 6250 towns will need to be established covering almost 700,000 square miles of the planet's arid and semi-arid surfaces, this is the number that is needed to both reduce and maintain Global Warming and Climate change, for the next 50 years, by incorporating carbon dioxide into enough plants and soils, to reduce the levels of these gases while also increasing the planet ability to produce enough cloud-cover, and the accompanying rainfall to offset extreme weather. (700,000, square miles is like completely replanting 9 states the size of Nebraska in the USA or almost 3 areas the size of Texas, in the USA! In another 50 years, that total should triple until an area the size of the Sahara desert would become a paradise for abundant plant life. With the population of the planet that is trying for a better life, these numbers are not only within reach but may well require faster replanting to begin using the vast numbers of people available! 

    Hi, the only way to do this is by telling OTHERS! It can not happen with you sitting on the sideline after reading my post and saying hey that sounds good I hope someone can get this idea out into the big wide world! well that someone is you, you have in your possession a tool that is supposed to do just that "communicate" with others at the speed of light, Me, I can be reached 24/7 365 just by you picking up a phone and calling me @ 402-890-7946, or I check my mail every few days at daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com, or tell people to go to my site that explains in great detail for those willing to read something the size of "war and peace" @ https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com. This is a very labor-intensive yet simple plan. we have the manpower we just need the determination to use it! Thank you, Dan


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