436 The best way to convince scientist's that carbon dioxide sequestration is what is the underlying factor?

     Ask them the question of why the planet is not 3,500 years into the next ice age? What mitigating factors are there for the delay? We all know that fossil fuels use really only started less than 200 years ago, plus the population of people on the planet 3,500 years ago is estimated at only somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 million people give or take 10 million, with not a tractor or car to be seen for over the next 3,000 years.

    While how long ice ages last, can vary from between 40,000 and 120,000 years, yet the time frame between ice ages has always been somewhat consistent at around 10,000 years, there is a very good reason for that!

     The latest ice ages started around 2.5 million years ago, the first ones only lasted for 40,000 years or so because the carbon dioxide reservoirs in the great waters of the planet were quite high, and as these waters were being evaporated by the production of snow and ice on land once the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere reached between 180 and 220 parts per million depending on how much sunlight the planet was receiving the ice would start to recede, as this happened the carbon dioxide that had been trapped under these mountains of ice now began being released into the atmosphere causing the ice to recede even faster, however, carbon sequestration still was an ongoing issue and the time frame for its reduction to the point of ice again being increased was basically the same amount of time in between ice ages of around 10,000 years! So what changed?

    MANKIND WENT FROM BEING HUNTER, GATHERS, to an agricultural-based society to be both able to feed growing populations and provide protection from animals and other tribes from raiding their domesticated animals and crops. This change created a major difference in the planet's carbon cycle. Lands had to be cleared for crop production which both speed up the carbon cycle and increased exposed soils to the sun's rays, warming those soil, trees were removed both for heating and for increasing the need for space for crops. All of this added up to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, pushing back the timeframe for the next ice age. This alone would not have prevented the next ice age until mankind started using fossil fuels to increase carbon dioxide levels. 

    But the Earth had one more trick she used for extending carbon-based life which again mankind helped with. The creation of deserts and semi-arid areas around the planet. As carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere would fall plant life needed both to adapt to these changes but also open up their stoma's (which could be thought of as their lungs) to be able to gather enough carbon dioxide for growth but with C-3 plant life the stoma's opening farther also increases the loss of moisture to the surrounding air, in places that received only limited rainfall this caused plant life in those areas to die and further reducing rainfall due to lowering levels of plant respiration. As you can imagine such cycles increased semi-arid and desert formations. However, this loss of life on one part of the planet meant more life on other parts of the planet where rainfall is more consistent because the carbon that had been tied up in the plant and soils in these newly created arid areas would become available by bacterial decomposition. Mankind also created these types of areas by over-grazing and poor land management. Sunlight hitting these newly exposed soils was now converted to heat instead of energy for plant life to flourish. Adding to the overall heating of the planet pushing farther into the future any possibility of another ice age!

    Death for some became life for others, this is one of the most common and yet least talked about the reality of life on the planet, so many actions fall under this category, and wars are so often fought because of the need to take from others so that your's can survive! Yet we have had the capacity to feed everyone on the planet for many years, even China's great famine that killed so many millions of people could have been prevented but the government did not even let the world know of their need!  Russia years before that, today there are so many conflicts that causes mass hunger and death for no apparent reason other than the want of power at the expense of so many others.

    Back to convincing scientists of the new direction that they need to look at when understanding the why and the how to repair the planet. So if the planet by all accounts should be deep into another ice age and yet it is not, and since it should have begun long before mankind started using fossil fuels in any measurable amounts, what is their rationale for why not! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had one of his main fictional characters "Sherlock Holmes" state that once you have eliminated all other options the last option no matter how unlikely must be the answer. And that answer is that mankind is "not a parasite on the planet but already has done much (unwittingly and without forethought) to stop the coming of the next, last, and without mankind's interference, never-ending ice age, but in fact, is the planet's only hope for the continuation of all carbon-based life! 

    But now forethought and action are demanded, we can not hope to blindly continue our practice of using the resources of the planet without a designed goal and goals going forward. Right now our only goal that scientists believe is important is for everyone on the planet, to become carbon neutral. Not only an impossible action without the most severe consequences imaginable, but would actually produce more harm in maintaining carbon-based life on the planet than doing absolutely nothing, then only mankind will suffer, from the short-term effects of extreme weather and rising sea levels. The long-term effects of Global Warming and Climate Change are much more of a concern to mankind and our infrastructure, than it is to the rest of the carbon-based life on the planet, polar bears aside. with increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the planet has "seen that" and has worked with, it for most of its existence! Increasing plant yields that mankind has been enjoying due to increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the last fifty years are not only due to better farming practices and research efforts by seed companies. we know this because of better yield coming from heritage plants that have not been "improved" yet yield has been much higher anywhere from 20% to 50% depending on plant species and type, C-3 plants show much higher gain than C-4 and CAM plants that nature has designed for lower carbon dioxide needs. That being said, it is not always easy to separate increasing yields only by basing that on carbon dioxide levels! 

    Well, another post is done, but if no one decides to actually tell others and start the needed conversation to begin, what will I have accomplished? My time is not my own, I have to work to make a living like the vast majority of the planet, The time that I take to do these posts, no matter how important, is time that I no longer have to accomplish other things. So please start the necessary conversations that should become its own self-propagating idea. So if ANYONE wishes to speak with me on the most important question facing not just mankind but all life on the planet, I can be reached at 402-890-7946 I live in Nebraska, USA, to reach me via computer my address there is  daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com  or to read more anyone can go to https:lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com   I understand that this is really a lot to take in, coming from someone with no background in professional science, but we are not talking about "rocket science" we are talking about information readily available to just about everyone on the planet with an internet connection, easily verifiable numbers from NASA, and others that just need to be put in a context that is easily followed. I am not giving you numbers and then making unexplainable connections, others have already done the heavy lifting, they are just focused on mankind being the bad guy so much, that they can not see life as ever being anything but perfect and forever there! I do hate to talk about others' beliefs when I would only be guessing what anyone else is really thinking, but what other options do I have? Thank You, and I am sorry if I seem to be putting people in boxes that they do not belong in! I myself am considered to be a "know it all" that can be very trying to others! Dan


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