437 When I was 8-10 years old in a little one room schoolhouse that used a dividing wall to become two rooms.

     There was a teacher that had to be the smartest person in the world to an 8-10-year-old kid. Mrs. Florance Bone, she taught 5-8 grades and had taught for what seems like forever. She could answer any question I could think of except one, what caused the ice ages to start and stop. She herself wondered, but it seemed that no one knew for sure, either question, what started them and what caused them to stop! At the time they only talked about 5 ice ages, not the 22 that they talk about now. This was around 1964-66, during recesses and lunch we would play outside and every once in a while we would hear a "sonic boom" from the jets flying overhead either from Lincoln national guard or from "sac air force base" in Omaha I do not remember doing any air-raid drills, but we were living in the nuclear age where mankind was supposed to now be completely all-knowing about how our planet worked! In just a few short years there would be a man standing on the moon. Now the sky was no longer the limit, whatever mankind put their mind to could be accomplished! 

    We were living smack-dab right in the middle of the greatest country on the planet, yes the dreaded "Russians" had put Sputnik into orbit but we did not just catch up with the "evil empire" but we got to the moon not just first with humans, but to this day the only country to have done so, over 50 years later!

    If there was a time that very few people worried about climate change, pollution in the air, on the land, or in the oceans it was in the 1950s and 1960's we were too concerned about this new energy source "nuclear", would it be mankind's savior or the planet's ruin! The world was still recovering from the largest war that the planet had ever seen, only 20 years after the war that was supposed to end all wars that didn't need a number "YET" After the "CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS" while there was great mistrust among the superpowers, the cold war went under the radar and spies became the weapon of choice, that used the mass build-up of atomic weapons as a balance. No country could survive a nuclear war. All of mankind's history made for a total change in how we saw ourselves, we were now looking at all of the damage that we had done to the planet. No longer did we see conquest as an improvement, first to the north and south poles had riveted so many people's imaginations, first to climb each mountain, first to fly across the Atlantic, then first to fly around the world! We started seeing the planet as no longer infinite, and ours to use as a giant toy with little or no consequences! Many started seeing the damage we were causing and were perhaps a little ashamed of being a part of the whole that we called Man! 

    During WWII there was something we could be proud to try and stop, a country that wanted to rule the whole planet and get rid of people that they felt were undesirable, And we had learned from the mistakes of how we treated the losing side in the "great war" We helped to rebuild Germany and Japan instead of trying to make these two broken countries pay for the war! Americans during the war were called dogface for many reasons from dog tag's to digging fox holes to the mutt's that left Europe to find a new home in America where we would inter-bred and lose something in one way but gain so much in others, but pureblood and nobility were not among those things. America was proud of the new type of government that was supposed to treat everyone as equal, (well in theory, as long as you're not black or yellow, and kept your sexuality quiet.)  We were the underdogs that had proven ourselves on the world stage! The greatest ambassadors that America ever had were the lowly soldiers that fought for everyone in Europe against the tyranny of not Germany but of the leaders and soldiers who believed that they were simply better than others!

    But in the 60s and 70s, the new generation started seeing their own government as no different than other governments, using their influence to create profits for themselves by installing puppet governments in Panama, Vietnam, Iran, Cuba until Casto, Guatemala, and in other places helped shore up a government for sweetheart deals, or to actually put in place new governments more sympathetic to the U.S. Alway at great cost to the poor of each county!

     In the U.S. there began a movement to stop helping the government by idly standing by while hoping that the government would do the right thing, protests were held against the Vietnam war, marches were held for civil rights being denied people of color, pollution by big business was called out, woman were demanding equal pay! This all started the great divide between, many times the young and the older, but perhaps more accurately between the status quo, and those not satisfied with the status quo. The middle class and the upper class, felt that hard work could raise anyone up, while many saw that the deck simply was stacked against that from happening, because of who you were at birth! There were now two distinct camps, My country, love it or leave it! And the second camp, saw great damage being done under the guise of democracy and falsehood, with change happening only sporadically and at a snail's pace, and not at all acceptable. Their motto, Equality now and forever in all things! 

    But a great change was also happening in how many people were starting to see much of mankind as the opposite of nature, President Ronald Reagan was known to say "Trust but verify" while the new younger generation is all about demand, prove, and punish, because you can not trust people to do the right thing period. So what does the other side do? Muddy the waters, say that there is no such thing as an absolute, there are always many sides to every question, and one company's solution to a problem of contamination is just as good as what is required by law, and what someone say's is proof, is really just an interpretation of what they have seen and that other answers could also be right. So what does the first group that requires compliance do, make even more demands that may no longer even be related to the issue but looks like a solution when looked at in a certain light? 

    So the individual camps have become so entrenched in each point of view, that nothing can sway them, enter Global Warming into this environment. The first camp knowing how bad mankind has been proven to be, absolutely has to be, the one and only culprit. Bad, Bad, Mankind! All life is at stake, and this proves it, so for our children's sake, we must completely change our evil ways. Stop using fossil fuels, stop being mankind! the Other camp does not try and find other reasons for climate change they simply go back to their tried and trusted, confuse the issue campaign there are simply way too many unknowns to put everything at mankind's feet. but we will make a lot of money by following enough of the outlines of the first camp to show that we also care about the environment and look at all of the new ways that just opened up for more profits! And getting patted on our backs, good job! 

    Now we must not forget about the largest camp of all, the third camp, no they are not the activist's yelling about the evils of mankind, or the second camp that always makes money on any conflict, but the third camp want to know how they can believe anything that either camp are saying? How many doom and gloom scenario's had the first camp put out over the years, and well what can we even say about those in charge, there is never enough money to repair things, and if there is, it always goes so far over the bid that why have a bid in the first place, and why does it always have to be repaired within just a few years of being finished? Either way, it just seems like it is going to cost us all more than we can afford to pay!

    How can anyone try and put forth a solution that tells the first Camp that while mankind has done many, many, terrible things to each other and the planet over the years, it has also kept the planet alive and from entering the next-last-and-neverending ice age and also the planet's only hope for all carbon-based life to continue, and to add salt to that wound by stating that if mankind ever dies out or becomes unable to continue as a viable species on the planet, within a few centuries the rest of life will follow in man's dying footprints. And then turn around to the second camp and tells them that the only solution that will not bankrupt the planet is to have 100,000,000 refugees from all over the planet become self-employed farmers, water-movers, educators, doctors, and all of the necessary tradesmen which will not only maintain all carbon-based life on the planet but will also prevent, hunger, droughts, flooding, and will become the disaster relief agency for the planet! That would really make their day! Hopefully, the third group will say you mean we can simply get back to our lives without having to do much of anything? Well not exactly during the first few decades some monies would be needed to shelter and house people, but it would be like buying stocks, after the farms become self-sufficient profits could be required to repay those who chose to help in the early years but only with a small rate of inflation plus a point or two. Not going to make anyone wealthy but a decent saving plan as a backup retirement saving! 
    Now, how does one man do that? Not by himself that is for darn sure, Beniman Franklin, indicated that while no government is ever perfect, the government that the United States was trying to create was the best that could be attempted by man. (This is my paraphrasing several different statements) but it does explain that there's no such thing as a static plan, to stop change is to deny the truth of the necessity of ongoing change, thinking that we can foresee the changes that mankind may require to live together. So I need others to step up, If I have convinced you by my perfect logic (doubtful but I guess anything is possible) then tell everyone you can contact, if you need more information and have a few days to spare, read all 436 or so posts that I have put on my blog site, https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com   still unsure, call me I can be reached 24/7 at 402-890-7946 with any concerns. No, I do not know my posts by heart, but I would love to hear what people think about them. I do have a web address as a vast amount of the planet has, for me to read your thoughts go to   daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com   Really One person with no scientific background trying to explain life on this planet going back to the beginning of that life is quite daunting, but only by using knowledge will we be capable of saving all carbon-based life on the planet! And only you in the ether can get the ball rolling. As the old saying goes I feel like I am running as fast as I can, yet have gotten nowhere fast! by tonight I should be @ 12,500 hits, yet it seems like I am hitting a block wall! Thank you, Dan 


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