438 I have said over and over, this information that I am putting forth is not Rocket Science but in a way it is!
For without Rocket Science there simply would not be enough knowledge for me to have put all of the pieces together! For only by sending a probe to Mars and Venus which I assure you took a lot of Rocket Scientists working for the last 75 plus years to accomplish those feats. Would the last pieces of the puzzle come together for me! That was not only one counties doing, men and women from almost every nation on Earth worked countless hours, days, and lifetimes, to achieve those goals. Most will never receive the credit that we all owe them! Everyone that advances mankind's knowledge on how things work, how life interacts, how the planet's and solar system formed adds to the mystery that if we do not learn to understand will be the planet's doom.
What mankind is facing, the knowledge that we needed to learn, undoubtedly has occurred on many planets throughout the universe, hopefully successfully, but many times perhaps not! So many things have to happen for a species to evolve to a point where they can actually understand what their planet is facing, before their planet runs out of whatever becomes their planet's "BANE" I am thinking that Mars was close enough to the "cinderella zone" for life to start yet its size was too small for its gravity to keep the necessary atmosphere for the length of time that most developing species needed to advance, "time and the smaller size was its enemy"! Venus did not have that same problem even though it is slightly smaller than the Earth, It seemed to also have two main problems for life to advance, first photosynthesis would have had a very difficult challenge adapting to days and nights over a year-long, which also lead to the second challenge to life, no protection from the deadly part of the sun's rays, due to no magnetic field surrounding the planet! How many other ways can cause a planet in the right zone but either no appreciable life can start or the length of time and the necessary adaptations needed to take place simply was not there! These are not questions that I would hazard to guess about, both Mars and Venus are relatively easy to see, what conditions another planet would face who knows?
I do believe that other than size, all planets would have to have started out with the same make-up as all other planets, the only reason Jupiter looks different than the inner planet is because of its size, it was able to retain almost all of its original gasses Hydrogen, Helium. and other lighter elements that the much stronger gravity kept, of course, the distance from the sun also helped as its energy would be dissipated to prevent the "solar winds" from ripping away much of the lighter elements by that source! Even the sun's make-up should follow the same origin of elements and the same ratios, since hydrogen is around 80% of the universe only the very largest masses could both retain and then by gravity, start fusion to form a star, the funny part is, that the larger the star is the faster it uses up its hydrogen!
So very much of what I have been talking about is because two nations wanted to be the first to the moon. The competition that developed however was not just about reaching the moon but about what country would set the bar for knowledge and innovation and dominance over the planet! There are many people that complain about how much is spent on space, and its exploration, their first concern was how could we spend so much money when so many people go hungry or have no clean water, all of these problems will never be solved by throwing money at it, we see that time and time again, How much money was spent by America on the infrastructure of Afghanistan, only to be siphoned off and or stolen, not caring about their, neighbors or country, only about personal wealth and power. Money is simply a contrivance of mankind designed to cause classes to be formed based on money and therefore power! Digging wells, building dams, creating farms only need manpower and ingenuity, yet we chose not to do those things unless it directly benefits us. We act like lobsters in a pot pulling everyone down so we all are eaten instead of helping each other escape!
Had Russia not sent up Sputnik in 1957, would we be technologically where we are now? Would we have the knowledge to repair our planet the correct way? Would the information be out there for all to see who desires to? Yet did it not also create massive problems for much of the planet? Many call this the YIN and YANG of life, some say you cannot have day without night, or good without evil, heaven without hell, or life without death. I myself am not a great believer in those philosophies, for it leads us to believe that such a balance of good and evil must exist, I ask why, others say get over it, life is not fair, which I reply only because we allow it not to be fair. When someone is in the wrong they are in the wrong, we need to stop allowing bullying, or hazing, or running others down to make ourselves feel better. and when we see that happening we need to make it stop. When skyjacking airplanes started in the early 70s we were taught to stay quiet and let it happen do not try and stop it, then 911 happened and people learned the hard way what happens when no one intervened, we all have been taught if there is a shooter to either hide in place or run, and then many die. I am sorry if someone has a gun, I am going to throw anything and everything at them as fast as I can and if everyone else would do the same no one can stand up to that, gang tackle them, I am not going to be shot in the back running away, we should never see ourselves as being lead to slaughter, because some idiot has a gun, a knife, or just a belief that they are better then anyone else!
Well, several more hours spent trying my best to explain what the planet is facing and how only mankind can repair it and only "ONE WAY" Only now the ball is in your court, what are you going to do, take a swing at it by checking out the facts or wonder a little about could "Dan be right" but do nothing, Yes only with the technology that we have now attained, are we in a position to understand and repair the planet. So read and call, read and tell others, do something! I can be reached in the USA by phone @402-890-7946, or by E-mail @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com Or to read so much more go to https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Dan
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