439 My last post number 438 talked about how without "rocket science" the most complex puzzle our planet.

    Would become so much harder for someone to understand the complex nature of our planet's carbon cycle! (yes I referred to the Earth as our planet) for every living thing on Earth, from birth to death, for now, this is our only home! While everything needs to understand how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the limiting factor that controls life, warmth, and the continuation of all carbon-based life, this knowledge is buried in so many places on the planet! The interpretation that has been put forth has always come from uncompleted information! Plus the fact that life has existed for billions of years why would any sane person think that it could stop in the near future? 

    Mankind as a whole, loves order, (while in truth it is the female of the species) drive down almost any street in a nice town on a sunny day in summer, trimmed lawns, nicely painted homes, newer cars, with sidewalks, and roadways. When someone doesn't mow their yard for just a few weeks, people start to complain about the jungle over there! That does not make people think that the planet could possibly be running low with what life needs to continue, does it? Forgetting that we need to fertilize, aerate, water, weed, and keep pests away to achieve this marvel of landscaping. This is even more impressive in places like Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona where if you only drive outside of town, you become surrounded by desert and semi-arid areas. But our lives are mainly in towns or where land has ample rainfall, and corn may stand tall for mile after mile. Not realizing all of the work and effort someone has to put in, to get these stands of beautiful crops for as far as the eye can see! 

    So without NASA sending probes and satellites to Mars and Venus, and Jupiter just about all of mankind's knowledge would have to rely on direct evidence from our own planet with no way to compare with other planets' existing atmospheres! Not until I started learning about Venus's, Mar's, and Jupiters atmospheres was I able to understand both where all of the planet's atmosphere's must of started at, did I begin to realize why there is so "very much" limestone and other carbon-bearing sedimentary rock on Earth. Our planet would have had NO such rocks in the beginning. With the very high temperature of this planet at the first beginning, gasses would have risen to the surface and only the planets gravity would have held them to the planet and the gravity of the planet would have been a lot stronger than it is now, for 80% of the original makeup of the planet would have been hydrogen 10%would have been Helium and the remaining 10% is what we have today! (perhaps even a little less than 10% as scientists believe that once upon a time the moon was part and parcel of the planet) So with much greater gravity than now, the "third mass of material" from the nearest star (later to be known as the Earth, and the sun) would have been able to maintain the lighter elements for much longer than I would have expected! As the lightest elements started being removed by the solar winds, this material loss would have decreased the gravity holding the materials together speeding up the "lightest gasses" losses. Until the planet arrived at a stable atmosphere and therefore the much, much, less gravity, perhaps even less gravity than what the planet has now, depending on if the space debris that was and is still falling on the planet was greater or less than the continuing loss of the atmosphere over time? My guess would be that for the first period of time there was still a lot of debris contained within the orbit of the planet and mass would be slowly increasing over time until there was no longer much debris in the path of the planet and then the atmospheric losses would start to be greater than the material gains. 

    Now we have the best of both worlds, scientists who study the planet and its eco-systems, now have access to raw primordial planets and their atmospheres to study. To see how A became B leading to C and on and on, this breakdown of how a planet with either no-life or so little life that it has not terra-formed the planet, to the Earth which life has not only terra-formed the planet but constantly needs to adapt to changing atmospheric gases and their concentration, so much so that the longest book could be written to try and follow that necessary adaptation of life over the last 3.5 billion years. And another very long book describing the remarkable changes of the planet brought about prior to life, so that life could begin. Then the question becomes, did the planet adapt itself so that life could begin, or life could only begin once a stable enough environment was in place? My guess would be, that a stable environment would be unlikely to produce life, that needs chaos for that to happen? Otherwise, we would find life everywhere, that bears no connection with other life, but instead, we can find, some type of connection, between almost every living, and fossilized organism on the planet! As if there is a common ancestor to all life! Meaning that there never really was a true extinction event because an ancestor has always been available to start new lines, while one line may stop there are always other lines to take over the next phase of life!

    While it was possible for science to determine how life has progressed from the planet's primordial atmosphere to what mankind enjoys today without discovering what the atmosphere of our neighboring planet was like, it becomes so much easier with the knowledge gained by rocket science. Thank you, NASA, and all of the people who play some role in that long study! And do not forget, those people who started wondering what was out there thousands of years ago, driving curiosity forward parent to child striving to understand what it all means? 

    This is where no one responds, but in the hope that springs eternal, I can be reached @ 402-890-7946, or @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com   or @  https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com  Thank you, Dan


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