440 About a year ago I started getting mad of my lack of action for the ten years of so that I let go by!

    Around the time I turned 50 years old, I had a very good idea of what really caused the glaciation on the planet that started around 2.5 million years ago, but I had not made the full correlation to what the planet was truly facing! The fact that there are only two actions that cause the start and stopping of an ice age on the planet is the amount of sunlight being converted to heat, and the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere! That are the only two factors, (while many people still feel that Milutin Milankovic and his new understanding of how the planet receives more or less sunlight depended on a series of Earth's constantly changing positions in relation to the sun over very long time frames did provide a reason why the planet entered into the ice ages, they did not cause the ice ages! Had this been so, why, did they only start 2.5 million years ago, shouldn't they have been altering the amount of sunlight striking the planet since time began? What Milutin Milankovic did figure out was the "PACING" of the ice ages. If the planet was receiving the most energy from the Sun then an ice age would not start until carbon dioxide levels dropped down to around 180 parts per million in the atmosphere. However, if the planet was receiving the least amount of sunlight then the ice would start to build up, on the planet when carbon dioxide levels were still above 200 parts per million.) 

    It took me a few more years to begin to understand that carbon-based life on the planet was facing the most serious extinction event the planet would ever know, barring the Sun going "Super Nova" and that the arrival of mankind on the planet had "unwittingly" caused the postponement of that event from happening! Here I was around 52 years old using information that I, myself had never gathered, only looking up work accomplished by thousands of scientists over years, now seeing just what the planet had waiting for her once mankind becomes no longer a viable species on the planet! And I felt sure that others must also have put all of these pieces of the puzzle together, if I could be working on it just a little here and there, others, especially scientists who were seeing the information coming in daily from so many places would have to begin wondering "why"! Why is Mars's atmosphere so different from the Earth's, why is Venus's just the opposite? 

    Once you factor in LIFE and the fact, driven into me as a young child in school, that perpetual motion is impossible "period"! Then what was there left to understand, that the most important gas in the atmosphere "carbon dioxide" for life (no not oxygen) was also only .0391% or somewhere in that neighborhood back then 22 times less available in the atmosphere than what scientists call a rare gas Argon at .9%? No this could not be right, surely others will question this, how could they not? So for 10 years, I wait, my kids get into college and I wait, nothing, nothing, nothing, but now all of the scientists are forced to come together on Global Warming and Climate Change, and their only solution is for everyone on the planet needs to become carbon neutral. Not only is that almost impossible, but it is also the only way to speed up the next, last, and neverending ice age. So I decided To write my short 12-page paper explaining what the planet and all carbon-based life is facing, thinking that this is the age of,  "THE INTERNET" put the word out, all the information is contained in that short paper, in just a short period of time with one person telling 2 people it will be on everyone lips in a short while! Well, here we are 2 years and 5 months later and with less than 13,000 hits on 440 posts, one ex-brother-in-law has called wow! I e-mail every post to around 30 scientists every time that I finish a post NO RESPONSE! Yet between 14 and 30 "people" look as if they at least download each post. Is the planet so divided into only two camps, either everyone needs to be forced to become carbon-neutral, or this is just a common variation of the planet's climate that anything that I am saying is really of no importance? The movie "Don't Look Up" or you might see the end of the world staring you in the face in my mind could be completely on track with mankind's refusal to even look at other reasonings! 

    Here to an eternal hope, Call me at 402-890-7946, or email me @ daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com to read more go to    https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com   Thank you, Dan



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