441 Once upon a time there was a planet that had abundant plant life on it. Yet it was all now threatened!
The threat did not come from outside, but like almost in every conflict the threat came from inside. There was no advancing asteroid, or supervolcanic event, that had in previous times proved most capable of destroying the majority of life on the planet. Nature was waging war on itself, yet the planet had quite a few tricks it could use in forestalling the inevitable, it could begin to limit life by decreasing areas where it could easily exist, it could create new types of life that required less material to survive, but all of these actions could only postpone the inevitable, it needed another plan, one that could reverse and delay and potentially stop the inevitable, but in creating this option, it was with the understanding that it would lose all control on what "this new species" would strive for! No longer would procreation and survival of its young, be enough to fulfill their destinies. Only by empowering this new attempt with less strength and no armament against its fellow species, it would need to use cooperation and intelligence, could the new species hope to survive. Yet the planet needed to not put all of its "eggs in one basket" so it branched off this new species, each with somewhat different strengths and weaknesses and yet closely enough related that they could work together and interbreed with each other thereby increasing the chances of offspring that would benefit from both parents differences! The resulting chaos that this new species and the planet's last desperate attempt would bring to the planet was understood as necessary, considering the alternative.
The planet had always understood the necessity of limitations, only by limiting each species by using competition for space and resources as a balancing act and supplying each with abilities that would both benefit and restrict how interactions would need to occur, in doing so populations would be self-restricting. But this new species could not have such restrictions placed upon it, for to do so would prevent the necessary knowledge from being learned. This even meant that the new species could do what, nothing else on the planet had ever done. Both create new species themselves and wonder what lies outside of the planet! Only knowledge and curiosity that this new species was so good at, was the planet's goal, that this new species would need to begin to understand what the planet was facing! For without this understanding the whole reason for the existence of the new species would have been in vain. Yes even without the new species understanding, life had been extended but ultimately the final outcome would be the same, while all life strives to survive for as long as possible so from that perspective the planet's last effort somewhat succeeded. Time is always something life strives for, as long as time is available, hope is also available! Once upon a time a planet survived because it took a huge risk willing to work with an unknown! Did that planet have another option, "YES" one option would be to create a bacteria that lived directly on carbon-bearing rocks extracting the carbon and turning it into carbon dioxide, free in the atmosphere but how would that bacteria be contained with 10% of the crust of the planet consisting of an almost limitless supply of food, could life survive such a drastic change in atmospheric gases not just in its concentrations but the ever-increasing density, surely almost all oxygen-breathing species would quickly die out as the levels of oxygen would just as quickly be diluted in the atmosphere! A much more devastating extinction event than an asteroid hit! Talk about getting off of the subject of the planet in question!
I do tend to ramble, that is one of the reasons I am still looking for someone to help me put all 440 posts and the 12-page paper into a book form that is much easier to read than the jumble that I have put out! Knowing our own limitations which we all have, is important! Do you believe that the option that the planet in question used to foil extinction was worthwhile? Why or Why not!
An everlasting hope that there are people out there not just reading my diatribe, but are also willing to contact me, I can be reached by phone at 402-890-7946, or by e-mail, at: daniel.kadavy212@gmail.com or to read much more everyone is welcome to go to: https://lifecycleofaplanet.blogspot.com Thank you, Dan
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